Chapter 11: Blow My Fuse.

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The weekend passed quickly and then it was Monday. Eddie didn't want to go to work, but he knew it would be a welcome distraction. Steve had doted on him pretty much all weekend, making him food, driving him to the store to get more cigarettes, helping him grocery shop. It all felt weirdly domesticated but he couldn't help but feel like a child.

He had stayed at Eddie's again on Sunday night, with the promise he'd come pick him up Monday evening after he finished work and he could stay with him.

Steve even called the office to check in at around noon to make sure Eddie was doing okay. He had been sitting finishing some paperwork for a customer when he'd phoned.

"Anderson's motor's, Eddie speaking"

"Hey, it's only me"

"Hey" Eddie said softly, sandwiching the phone between his shoulder and his ear.

"Sorry if this is annoying, I just wanted to call to see how you were doing"

"It's not annoying, you're sweet" Eddie smiled a little bit "I'm doing okay, just been working on some stuff, trying to figure out a new filing system because the one we have currently well... doesn't work as well as it should"

"Sounds thrilling" Steve chuckled

"You still picking me up later?"

"Of course love, I said I would"

"I know, just checking I--"

"Eddie!" Axe, the other guy that worked in the garage yelled from the front.

"Shit, I gotta go Stevie, I'll see you later"

He said goodbye quickly and put the phone down as Samantha walked into the office. Eddie sighed internally, he wasn't in the mood to be hit on right now.

"Hey" He smiled weakly.

"Well you've looked better" She said, snapping her gum. She was wearing leather biker trousers and a leather jacket today, her helmet tucked under her arm.

"Thanks" He rolled his eyes "What do you need?" He leaned back in his chair.

"I just came to talk to you about settling up the rest of the payment from the other week"

"Oh.. yeah" He blinked, digging around in a drawer for the folder that would contain her paperwork. He was so focused on the task in hand that he didn't notice her coming to sit on the desk next to him. "So uh I think it's just the--"

Two fingers under his chin forced him to look up, she was standing over him with an intense look on her face.


"Let's cut the shit, we've been tiptoeing around this for a while now and the game is getting a little boring"


"I think you're attractive" She places her helmet down on the desk "And I know you think I am too, I've seen how you look at me"

Eddie could not believe what he was hearing right now.

"Sam I--"

She sat herself down in his lap, clamping a hand over his mouth. He stared at her with wide eyes.

"So why don't we just cut to the chase and you can--" He ripped her hand away from his mouth.

"Sam I'm into guys" He blurted "Never ever been attracted to you, girls don't do it for me" He shoved her off of his lap standing up "I'm sorry if you thought that I was hitting on you or something but trust me, you are one hundred percent the wrong gender"

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