Chapter 22: Maybe together we can get somewhere.

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"Wayne called while you were out" Steve said

"Oh yeah? What did he want?"

"Said that it's Theo's birthday on Friday"

"Shit" Eddie put down the knife he'd been using to cut up the chicken. "I hadn't even thought about asking her when her birthday is, I'm a shit brother"

"I mean I didn't ask her either" Steve said

"I know but I didn't even think to ask..." He frowned

"Baby you need to stop thinking that you have to do all of this on your own, I'm here too, so is Wayne"

"I just..." He sighed "I know you're right but it's hard not to"

"Look it's Sunday now, so that gives us five days, at least we can try and figure out what to get her if nothing else"

"Yeah" Eddie's mind was already racing, thinking about all of the things that she might like. She never asked for anything, maybe he should just ask her what she wanted? He racked his brain, had she mentioned anything?

"You're thinking awful hard" Steve nudged him out of the way and continued cooking.

"Just..." He was still frowning in concentration "I know what I'm gonna get her" He grinned at Steve "You're a genius baby" He kissed Steve on the mouth before grabbing his keys off of the side and racing to the door "I'll be back soon!" Then the front door slammed shut and Eddie was gone.

"Thanks" Steve said to the empty room, smiling a little to himself. He had no idea what idea he'd given Eddie but he was glad inspiration had struck, now he just needed to figure out what to get Theo, and also how to let everyone know in time that they were having a party for her on Thursday after school.

Wait, would she want a party? He figured she would, but maybe it was better to ask her first... he didn't want her to be freaked out or embarrassed.

He called her down from the bottom of the stairs, after a few seconds her head appeared.


"Can you come down for a sec? I just wanna talk to you about something... don't worry it's nothing bad" he added after seeing the worried look on her face.

"What?" She eyed him cautiously as he went back to prepping dinner.

"A little birdie told me it's your birthday on Friday"

"Oh..." She looked at her hands and began to pick the skin around her thumb "Yeah it is"

"You thought about if you want to do anything?"


"Do you want to do anything for your birthday?" He repeated gently.

She shrugged.

"Haven't done anything for my birthday ever really"

Steve's chest ached. Poor kid, he knew how it felt to spend your birthday alone. He'd done it too many times.

"You can this year, if you'd like" He was trying to remain casual, he didn't want her to get worked up, but he thought it'd be nice if she did do something. It was a year of firsts for her it seemed.

"What do you even do on your birthday?"

"Anything you like... within reason, no ragers"

Theo snorted.

"Don't think I even know enough people to throw a rager Steve"

"You say that, I threw some pretty big parties in freshman year and I hardly knew anyone but half the school turned up"

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