Ch 2

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Bakugou groaned in annoyance hearing a knock on his dorm-room door. He hesitated opening it, especially after Izuku called out to him from the other side. When he finally opened it, Izuku smiled at him with a slight wistful aura. 

"Can I talk to you about something important, Kacchan?"

Bakugou scoffed, "And what's so important that you couldn't tell one of your idiotic friends?"

Izuku looked up and down the hallway before whispering, "It's about your soulmate."

Bakugou's face contorted from confused to frustrated to defeat. He stepped aside and gestured Midoriya in. The moment the door shut, a heavy presence fell on Izuku. Could he really do this? Reveal his deepest, darkest secret? What id it matter anyway? It was going to be fixed. 

"What's up with you, huh?" Bakugou shot, crossing his arms. "What do you know about my soulmate?"

Izuku fidgeted with his sleeve. He pulled the fabric over his hand to hide the mark. Bakugou was weirded out my his nervous behavior, and the awkwardness infected him as well. 

"Kacchan, what if your soulmate was someone you wouldn't want?" 

"Tch, are you kidding?" Bakugou smirked. "My soulmate is gonna be badass, I know she will be!"

Ouch – she? That stung a bit more for Izuku than he thought it would. At least he knew he was making the right decision now. It never would have worked, no matter how hard they tried. With a long breath, Izuku sighed. 

"So, if it was someone like me, you'd sever the connection without second thought, right?" Izuku clarified. 

Bakugou paused for a second. "What are you talking about? My soulmate can't be a weak extra like you. It's not possible."

"That's good to hear – "

Bakugou was about to question him, but Izuku began to laugh. Suddenly, he continued, " – because the feeling is mutual."

Katsuki's mouth dropped. Izuku uncovered his hand to reveal the soulmate ring around his finger. The explosive teen shook his head in disbelief, and he raised the mark on his finger to compare. Of course, they matched perfectly. He couldn't speak, only spluttered words such as 'no' and 'not ... possible' over and over again. 

Izuku smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry! Remember what Todoroki told me? Soulmates can sever their bond, so we can just sever it and be on our way!"

Bakugou's breath was picking up, as if he was going into shock. "How long have you been hiding this? Why?"

Izuku furrowed his brows, looking confused. "What do you mean why? Kacchan, you hate me, and I knew you'd never want me. So, I hid my mark so you'd be happier dreaming of a better mate." His smile grew brighter. "I thought soulmate connections were permanent, but I guess not! Isn't it great?"

Bakugou vision was growing blurry. Flashbacks of him bullying Deku ran through his mind like a movie, and the overwhelming shock took its toll. He fainted to the floor. Izuku ran to him and tried shake him awake, but he was out cold.


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