Ch 14

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Bakugou was sat in front of Principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa. Izuku was called in to explain everything since Bakugou was in no mood to speak. The green-haired kid entered the room and sat next to his soulmate. Izuku was not happy at all.

"Thank you for joining us, Midoriya!" Nezu smiled.

Aizawa ordered, "We need context of all the recent fighting going on."

Izuku explained everything. The first fight between him and Bakugou, the mass fight in the dorms; however, he was waiting for an answer for the recent altercation.

"All this for a bunch of soulmate drama?" Aizawa huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index and thumb.

Izuku folded his arms. "I'm waiting for an answer about today."

"The half and half bastard was flirting with you, and he even looked back at me with that shit-eating smirk." Bakugou interrupt.

"How was he flirting?"

"He touched your hand!"

"I touched his shoulder!"

Aizawa's scarf came flying over their mouths. Nezu thought to himself for a moment before getting an idea.

"I have two options for you." Nezu offered. "Bakugou, you will spend the entire day with Todoroki tomorrow."

"Like hell I will!" Bakugou scoffed.

" – or you will be switched with a class 1B student." Nezu warned. Both Izuku and Bakugou's eye flew wide open. "If you two can't get along, the worst behaved one will be switched with a class 1B student."

Izuku gave Bakugou a warning glare. Katsuki huffed and agreed to the terms. Aizawa sent them on their way to lunch, leaving the them to argue.

"That icyhot bastard is up to something." Bakugou muttered.

Izuku exasperated, "Up to what, Kacchan?"

"He's trying to steal you from me!"

Izuku stopped in the hall to face Bakugou. With all serious, Izuku asked, "Do you not trust me?"

Bakugou chortled, "Are you serious? Two days ago you wanted to sever the bond!"

Midoriya suddenly reached out and pulled his soulmate into a hug. Bakugou froze for a moment before giving into and returning the embrace.

Bakugou saw Todoroki spying on them from a corner, frustration written on his face. Katsuki took his moment to get a little payback and to declare territory.

"I want to sleep with you again tonight." Bakugou muttered.

Izuku sighed, "Fine, but only if you apologize."

Katsuki nodded and pulled back from the hug. Suddenly, he leaned in for a kiss, and though Izuku was shocked at first, he quickly grew accustomed. When they part, Bakugou noticed that Todoroki disappeared.

Bakugou later apologized to Todoroki with Izuku around. His soulmate was pleased, but his rival was irked.

There was an air around them that Izuku didn't pick up on. It was a challenge, and Bakugou would be damned if he lost. It was almost ironic how clueless Midoriya was, but it was for the better. Bakugou and Todoroki were about to fight tooth and nail for him, and it would make them look bad as heroes.

Though it was an even playing field, Todoroki had an old connection up his sleeve that could maybe help him.


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