Ch 25

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Izuku let Bakugou out of his binds as he assured quietly, "I sent my location to the heroes. They'll be here soon."

Once free, Katsuki didn't waste a second going to embrace him. Izuku really had him fooled, and the realistic performance gave him a mini heart attack.

Izuku snorted, "Awe, was Kacchan scared of losing me?"

"Shut it, Deku," Katsuki growled, squeezing tighter.

Izuku chuckled at his soulmate. He pulled out his phone and saw a reply back from his teacher, which meant they were on their way. They planned that it would be better if they wait until help arrived, or for as long as they could before Shoto got tired of waiting.

Shoto paced outside the door anxiously. Dabi stopped his brother and asked, "What are you nervous about?"

"What if Bakugou doesn't let Midoriya break the bond?"

Shigaraki scoffed, "What's so bad about that? You get the one you want regardless of a mark."

Shoto erupted, "I don't want the reminisce of him staining my soulmate's finger!"

Shigaraki was unfazed by his outburst. "But he isn't your soulmate."

Those weren't the best words that Ahiggy could've said right then. Shoto went to tackle him, but Dabi stepped in the way and held his brother back. Todoroki sent a line of ice towards him, which Dabi quickly melted.

"Sho, reel it back," Dabi warned.

Shigaraki paused. "You're on a first-name basis with him? And why are you trying to help?"

Dabi tried to ignore him, but Shigaraki kept talking. "You know, Dabi, you two have always been so close. Always whispering to each other, taking up for one another. You never cared about anyone before."

Dabi preferred to keep Shoto a secret. If anyone knew they were brothers, they easily connect him to Endeavor and the runaway kid. Shoto respected his brother's wish to stay silent about it.

Dabi whispered to his brother, "Calm down right now. We will get that mark off of him."

Shoto was calm, but he wouldn't forgive Shigaraki for that comment. It only made him stress more. He began to pace again, overthinking the past few moments.

Izuku called Bakugou that childhood nickname – Kacchan. Midoriya's change of heart seemed almost too convenient. It made Shoto very uneasy. Why did he want to be alone with someone he was scared of?

He couldn't wait anymore. He pressed an ear to the door and listened. Bakugou's voice came through.

"I just want you to know, Deku, that if you told me all those years ago, I would've been happy."

Shoto slammed the door open. Bakugou was free, but what was worse was that Izuku was wrapped in his arms. Everything was red. Midoriya's eyes grew to the size of saucers as Shoto's icy glare pierced him.

"Liar, liar," sneered Todoroki as he raised his left hand.

Bakugou pulled Izuku behind him, preparing to counterattack with an explosion. Shigaraki and Dabi were behind Shoto, it was three against two. Still, they wouldn't go down without a fight.

The villain teen's hand held in the air ... but his quirk wasn't activating.


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