Ch 24

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Izuku stepped back a bit, bumping right into Todoroki. Shoto misinterpreted the motion for fear rather than guilt. He asked Shigaraki and Dabi to step outside. Shigaraki was a bit irked but did so anyway.

Shoto hugged Izuku from behind as if they were highschool sweethearts, but Izuku only felt the need to shove him away. Bakugou looked down, not wanting to believe it.

"How could he forgive you for all the years of harrasment?" Shoto spat. "Just how weak do you think he is? As if he'd ever love an aggressive person like you."

Izuku wanted to whip around and punch Shoto. He was so livid, he visibly shook, but like before, Todoroki thought it was fear. He laid he head in the crook of Midoriya's neck and gave a slight squeeze.

A smile replaced his glare. "Don't be afraid. He can't hurt you anymore, remember? Go on, break that stupid bond."

Bakugou held his eyes shut and growled, "Not gonna happen."

Bakugou stubbornness just might've bought some time. Izuku faced Todorki and reminded, "If he doesn't meet my eyes, I can't break it."

Shoto thought for a moment before suggesting, "Then we can just leave him to the league to finish."

Izuku's heart had never plummeted so fast. He quickly shook his head. "We can't. The mark will still be there."

"Then what do you suggest we do?"

Izuku found the perfect opportunity to be alone. He put on a serious expression. "Let me talk to him alone."

Todoroki paused for a minute. "Why alone?" His tone was a bit irked, jealous even. An arm snaked around Midoriya's waist.

"Trust me, Todoroki-kun. I'm the only one that can really hurt Kacchan."

Todorki yanked Izuku close, his fingers digging into the other’s side. The green-haired boy grunted in pain, reaching up to remove his hand, but it was firm in place.

"You say that as if he still cares, and why are you still calling him Kacchan?" Todoroki asked, his voice going deeper than a growl. It was threatening.

Hearing the old nickname made Bakugou look at them. Izuku was struggling to relive some pressure from his side, which was frustrating Shoto.

"You're hurting him!" Bakugou seethed, pulling at his metal restraints.

Shoto's scowl was one cold as it landed on Katsuki. He finally let Izuku go and slowly stepped up the the growling blond. He then leaned down to his ear, and with a sickening chuckle, he smirked.

"He's mine to hurt."

With that final message, he spun around back to Izuku, gesturing him closer. Reluctantly, he did so, but he wasn't expecting Shoto to lean in for a kiss.

'Endure it, Izuku,' Midoriya thought to himself. 'You need to endure it for Kaccan!' Though the kiss was short, it felt like hours of torture for him.

Shoto was content as the other kissed back. He agreed to leave them alone. The moment the door shut, Midoriya's first reaction was to wipe his mouth. Then, he ran to his soulmate and got rid of the disgusting feeling by kissing him instead.

Katsuki's eyes brimmed with tears of relief. When they parted, he chortled, "You scared me for a second."


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