Ch 7

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When Monday came around, Bakugou found the strength to go to class. Izuku was happily chatting with Todoroki and his friends. Something felt off to him, and his eyes were drawn to Midoriya's ring finger. The black ring covered the mark. It was almost more insulting to cover it with something so noticeable rather than the makeup Izuku used to use. It was like he was proud to hate Katsuki.

Bakugou friend group weren't too enthusiastic to greet him. He felt frustrated towards their lack of attention because he really needed some friends right then. 

"I don't want the bond severed." Bakugou croaked, his throat somewhat sore. "I want to take it back."

Kirishima perked up. It was odd to hear Bakugou regret something. It was clear that Bakugou felt terrible and really wanted another chance. 

"We can see you're really upset, man," Kirishima said, "But we're not the ones you should say that to."

Bakugou plopped in his seat and shook his head. "I can't risk talking to him. He'll sever the bond at any cost."

Mina shrugged, "Dude, you need to communicate with him one way or another."

Bakugou was silent, not thinking of any ideas. His brain was practically fried from lack of sleep, so Kirishima gave in and helped him. When lunchtime came around, Kiri sat with Izuku and his group. Deku knew what he was up to right off the bat.

"I'm not playing messenger with him." Izuku stated. 

Kirishima huffed, "He's really sorry, Midoriya. I mean, it's clear that he's been crying, and he keeps saying he wants to take it back."

Izuku turned away and ignored him, twisting the black ring around his finger. Shoto, Tenya, and Ochako told Kirishima to leave him alone and that it wasn't any of his business. He couldn't back down without some input from Izuku.

"He cares, and you know it."

Midoriya had reached his boiling point. "Yeah, he cares. He cares about his reputation!"

Kirishima paused. "W-What are you talking about? What does this have anything to do with his reputation?"

Izuku exasperated, "An empty ring finger looks bad on a hero. He only wants the mark, not me." The teen stormed away from the table, leaving his tray.

The whole cafeteria went silent. Todoroki chased after him, shooting Kiri a cold glare before tailing on. Izuku hid in the bathroom for a quick breather away from everyone. When Shoto appeared, Midoriya asked him to leave. 

"Isn't there anything other than soulmates in this world. Why doesn't anyone talk about anything else?" Izuku shouted.

Shoto was careful not to invade on his bubble. Izuku wasn't stable at the moment, and he didn't need to be pushed any further.

"Midoriya, forget him, don't let him get to you. Find someone else, and don't worry about getting rid of the mark." Shoto suggested. "The mark doesn't define you or who you love. It's your decision."

That line made Izuku tear up. It wasn't sadness, it was anger – pure frustration of feeling so conflicted and powerless. No one else gave him the courage to reject fate for his own self. To him, Shoto was this powerhouse beacon he needed in his life.


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