Chapter Thirteen

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I walk into the building where the photoshoot is happening with a loud sigh, I would so much rather be with Louis right now.

"Ahh Harry, thank you for coming" Simon exclaims 

"Didn't have much of a choice now did I" I say sarcastically 

Simon gives me a knowing smirk and walks me over to the photographer, "didn't need you spending so much time with this homeless boy now did I" He says

I roll my eyes, now it all makes sense, he did this on purpose. He hates the idea of me being seen with any guy ever since I told him I wanted to come out to the public. 

I shrug it off knowing that if I say anything it will get my ass into shit, I smiled my way through the photoshoot and ended up finishing it all today, which I am super glad about. I give Simon a huge smile knowing he hates the idea of not having me here tomorrow and with Louis instead. 

I grab all my things and ignore Simons comment to meet him over at the coffee stand when I'm done, I really don't feel like having another lecture about my sexuality with him.

I manage to sneak off without Simon seeing me and head home, knowing someone is there waiting for me gives me butterflies in my stomach and brings a huge smile to my face.

I stop at a pizza place close to my house, thinking that Louis has got to be starving. I order the basic pepperoni and cheese to be safe, as I don't know what he likes on pizza. 

I continue on my drive to my house when my song 'Watermelon Sugar' comes on the radio. Some people find it weird that I jam out to my own music but I can't see myself ever recording something that I wouldn't enjoy, so why not jam out. 

After returning to my house I walk in with a smile, ready to just enjoy my night with Louis, this Louis, not the Louis Marcel knows. 

"Louis" I call out, but with no answer in return 

"Louis, I'm back and brought pizza" I try again

All of a sudden I see a lump on my couch jump up "pizza?" he asks with a huge smile on my face. 

"You act like you've never had pizza before lad" I laugh

"It's been a while, my dads a doctor...well was a doctor, he doesn't like when we have food that 'give people heart attacks'" 

Was a doctor? what does he mean by that, I make a mental note to ask about that another time, but with the way his eyes have casted down I can tell he doesn't want to talk about his dad any further. 

"Well...lets eat" I say opening the box 

"There better not be any pineapple on this pizza" He mumbles 

I laugh at his comment and decide to tease him a bit, quickly shutting the box before he can see that it only has pepperoni and cheese.

"Excuse you, but I happen to only eat pizza with pineapple on it" I say with all seriousness 

He makes a disgusted face at my comment and begins to go on a ramble about how pineapple and pepperoni don't mix

"You don't mix sweet and savoury, they are two VERY different things, it doesn't make sense, its like avocado on toast, to disgusting and doesn't belong together why can't we just leave things normal instead of adding vegetables to everything" He rambles 

"Louis I was only joking mate" I laugh, "but I do take offence at the comment about avocado and  toast, that happens to be my favourite breakfast." I laugh 

"of course it is" he says back with a sarcastic eye roll 

We both laugh the conversation off and set to eating the pizza. 

In this moment, I'm the happiest I have ever been, Louis really isn't all that bad, and in all honesty, whenever he smiles up at me my heart does a ton of flips and my stomach feels like its tying itself into a knot. 

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