Chapter Eleven

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Harry/Marcels POV

It's been about an hour since Louis' gotten here and since I have spoken to Simon and my mom. It went as I predicted...Simon yelling out me for taking in someone I barely know under my circumstances, followed by a lecture of not revealing my other identity and how that can endanger me.  My mom on the other hand, was not okay with it until she realized who I had brought in and why. She said something about him rushing out the door so fast last night the he tripped and thought there was something going on as well. 

I decided to start making something to eat for lunch, so that it will be ready for when Louis wakes him, hopefully I can get some answers from him. 

Getting the bread, butter and cheese out of the fridge to make grilled cheeses, quietly listening to the radio in the background. The bedrooms are on the other side of the house so I know I won't be disturbing him. 

Just as I finished up lunch Louis walked in, he's wearing a pair of my sweatpants since he was wearing jeans when I found him, assuming he wouldn't be comfortable sleeping in them. He's swimming in them and making sweater paws with his sweater. He doesn't look like the Louis from school, he looks so innocent and small. 

"I made us some grilled cheese for lunch." I say, bringing them over to the counter for us to eat. 

He moves shyly over to the stool beside me. giving me a nod in appreciation. 

We sit in silence for a little while before I decide to start a conversation. 

"So, Louis, anything you like to do for fun?" I ask, deciding it's better to have a normal conversation before getting into the harder stuff.

"uhm, I like footie a lot." He says back.

"I like watching football, but i'm rubbish at playing, I've got two left feet." I chuckle.

"I'm sure your not that bad." He laughs.

"You have no idea, i'm like a baby giraffe learning how to walk." I add.

we continue on with the conversation of football, about what teams are the best, who the best players are, who the worst on. 

Louis changes the conversation soon after; "I wasn't going to mention anything, but i'm a huge fan of yours." He says shyly. 

I laugh, this confirms what I thought after hearing the conversation he was having with his friends the other day in the hallway. 

"yeah? ever been to a concert." I ask, genuinely wanting to know.

"uh, no, concert tickets are too expensive." He says almost sadly. I decide this is probably I good place to bring up the situation. 

"Oh sorry to hear that, I wished they'd make the tickets more affordable for everyone." I start. 

"Do you mind telling me why you were really sleeping on the bench?" I ask Louis. hoping he opens up to pretty much a stranger.  

"I guess I owe that to you, since you let me stay here and all." Louis says looking down. 

I give him time to collect his thought, this probably isn't easy to talk about, especially to someone who he barely knows. I've heard some personal stories from fans before so i'm hoping since he's a fan of my music he'd be a bit more comfortable with telling me.

Louis clears his throat before starting; "My dad said that my marks are too low and I have to get them up, so I got a tutor for science. I was over there last night when my dad called asking where I was, I told him the truth but he didn't believe me, said I was probably with a girl and not to come home until my grade is up." 

I can't imagine being thrown out of my house with no where to go just because my dad thinks i'm lying. But, I never had a good relationship with my dad either. Once he found out I wanted to be a singer he wanted nothing to do with me and always told me I wasn't good enough to make it, to try and persuade me to choose a more "promising" path. 

"I understand what it's like for a dad to make you feel like you aren't good enough. My dad always told me I wasn't good enough to make it and that I should choose a more realistic career. He was always on me about it, made me feel like I wasn't good enough sometimes." I explain to Louis. 

Louis looks up at me for a shocked expression; "your dad really thought you weren't good enough?" 

"Ya, till this day I don't talk to him. My mom and him got a divorce and I never saw him again after winning the X Factor." 

"I'm sorry." He says sadly to me. 

I smile at him before saying; "Don't be, it's not your fault, it's nothing compared to what happened to you. I can't believe your dad would do something like that." I know there's more to it then that, but I don't want to ask about things he doesn't need or want to tell me. I want to help him somehow, make him feel like he is wanted.

"We should do something fun today." I say excitingly to break the silence.

"You don't have to spend your day with me just because you feel bad for me." Louis says quietly. 

I'm sad that he feels this way, he must be used to being pushed aside like he's not there. This most be way he's like that at school, he gets attention, has all the control, and most of all, feels wanted. 

"No, I want to!" I say.

I see his face brighten up just a little at that, making me smile a bit bigger. 

I grab my keys and head to the door, "Come on." I call at him.

He hurries over towards me, "Where are we going." He asks. 

"That's a surprise." I wink, then head out the door towards the car with a big smile on my face.  

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