Chapter Five

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The interview went as it normally did, random questions about my love life, not that I have one, and stuff about my music. I leave my dressing room to go look for Simon, hoping that the make up put on for the interview was enough to hide the bruise that is now more noticeable. Mom didn't notice it when I got home because it wasn't as dark, thankfully, because if Louis would have seen the bruise it could make him suspicious.

"Hey Simon." I say as I enter the lounge at the radio station.

"Harry, good job with the interview!" He says

"you wanted to see me for something?" I question

"Right, yes, come with me." He says leading me over to a more private area of the lounge. "So, how'd being back in high school go today?" He asks me.

"Um, it was alright, yeah...very different from what i'm used to." I chuckle

He smiles at me as he pats my knee, "good to hear, seems like no one recognized you, which was the goal.

I nod my head with a slight smile, "yeah, if that's everything i'd like to get home, Gemma's home for the night, she wanted to see me all dressed up as Marcel." I laugh

Simon smirks at that before saying, "Of course, your free to go Harry, good work today."

I walk out of the lounge and head outside to my car, there's some fans out here so I go over to greet them quickly.

"Harry!" One girl yells

I smile at her and walk over to her, "Hi love, how are you."

"I love you so much! Can I get a picture with you." she asks.

"Would you mind if we all took a group photo instead of individual selfies?" I ask so I can get home as soon as possible, it's been a long day and i'm feeling really tired.

The few fans agree and we quickly take our photo, I wave to them once more before turning and getting into my car.

"Mom, I'm back from the interview!" I yell throughout the house trying to figure out where Gemma and her are.

"Were in the kitchen!" She shout back to me.

I walk in and smell spaghetti cooking, I smile over at my mother and give her a hug.

"How'd it go love?" She asks me

"as usual." I shrug

"Why don't you set the table, Spaghetti will be done in a few."

I grab the plates, jokingly pushing Gemma out of the way as I walk past her.

"So Harry, mom told me you had a run in with a kid at school today, is that where the bruise came from." She chuckles.

"What bruise?" My mom shouts before coming over to me and inspecting my face. "Harry, why didn't you tell me about this?" She frowns

I send Gemma a glare before turning back towards my mom, "cuz' it's not a big deal." I mumble

"Harry pl-." My mom starts to say before I interrupt her, "Please don't fuss mom, it's fine really...I fell is all." I say

My mom gives me one more once over before hesitantly dropping the conversation.

Throughout dinner Gemma continues to make jokes about me being the nerd of the school, we get a good laugh about it. I don't mind my family having some fun with it as it's all in good humor.

After dinner I immediately head to bad, exhausted from the day I just had.

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