Chapter Seven

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Harry/Marcel's POV

I took a breath before walking into my science classroom, preparing for the abuse that may expel from Louis' mouth today, but also smirking at the remembrance of how he acted at the bakery yesterday. He looked cute in his white apron and flour messed up a bit in his hair.

"Today's a study period for next weeks test, use it wisely." My teacher says

Yesterday we started genetics, and I must say, it's more interesting than I thought, and super easy. I glance over beside me and notice Louis hasn't even filled out the first question of the review. I don't offer to help him this time, knowing he'll reject it anyways.

I finish the review with ten minutes left in the class, I pull out my phone and scroll through twitter. Now that I'm technically two people I have to have two phones, making everything  A bit more complicated, If I sign into my socials on Marcel's phone I have to sign out immediately after using, just in case someone gets a hold of my phone.

I hear Louis mumble something beside me but I assume he's not talking to me so I continue scrolling through twitter.

"Marcel." Louis wispier yells beside me.

I look over confused, "Pardon?" I ask.

Louis glares at me before repeating himself, "I said, can you help me."

I nod my head with a shocked and confused expression, not expecting Louis to ask me that.

I quickly explain to him how eye colour works and what genes dominate, he seems confused and not at all understanding it.

"Do you think you could like tutor me?" Louis asks quietly, almost so quiet that I almost missed what he said. 

"Uh...Ya I guess so." I say. "Does tonight work?" I ask, knowing I have nothing scheduled.

He nods his head and says he'll be at my house at seven. I would have rather gone to his house because now I have to hide anything Harry related, but he said his house was not an option, his tone giving me no room to argue.

The bell rings and I get up to leave, before being roughly pulled back down by Louis.

"Don't tell anyone about this." He glares

I nod my head a little frightened by how aggressive he was and rush out of the room.

Arriving home at around three thirty gave me four and a half hours before Louis is supposed to be over. I put my car in the garage and hide anything else Harry related before going up to take a shower. I look in the mirror and realize i'm going to have to re gel my hair right after, oh well I sigh before jumping in.

"Hun, someones at the door saying their here for you, he said his name was Louis." My mom yells through the door, just as I get in the shower.

"Shit, what time is it?" I yell back

"Four." She answers.

Louis said seven, why would he be here so early, I wonder while getting out of the shower.

"He's waiting in the living room, come down when your ready." My mom says before walking back downstairs.

Fuck, i'm not going to have enough time to gel my hair, I guess it's going to have to stay natural. Good thing when it's wet and air dried it looks a bit different than it normally does.

After quickly changing into my Marcel clothes and grabbing my glasses I head downstairs to where Louis is.

"Hey." I say walking into the living room.

Louis head lifts to look up at me, his facial expression immediately shocked.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Your hair." He answers surprised

Oh right, I forgot. "Uh ya, I just got out of the shower." I shrug, trying to stay as collected as possible.

I motion for him to follow me upstairs, hoping to distract him from the topic of my curly hair.

"Do you always dress like that." Louis snarls from behind me

I roll my eyes and ignore the question, although happy that he's not paying my hair anymore attention.

"So why are you here so early anyways." I ask

He stiffens before answering me, "because I amount." He says coldly

I decide not to push him further, noticing it's not something he wants to explain further, especially to me.

"So...should we start?" I ask, receiving a curt nod in return.

————————————————————Hopefully your all enjoying the book so far!

Also, has anyone seen the recent content hinting at a One Direction reunion?!!!

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