Chapter Ten

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Harry/Marcels POV

This is my first free Saturday in a very long time. Since returning back to school, Simon decided I should have some off time, aside from some interviews and important shows here and there.

 Looking at the time I notice that it's seven in the morning, meaning that i'm able to go for a run without getting noticed by fans. 

I plug in my head phones and start running, hoping to get in at least an hour before I should head home. 

It's the perfect time for running outside, the air isn't to warm or cold. Running always helps me think, and I need to figure out how i'm going to get Louis and I, the Harry version of me, to get close. Maybe I can continue to stop at the bakery he works at, hopefully he's there often. I could hang out there and try to get to know him, maybe hanging out after his shift or something. 

I'm approaching a small park and decide to run through it, there's a really nice trail that opens over there. 

As I get closer I notice a small figure huddled up on a bench, I always feel so bad for people who have no where to go. Maybe I could help them out, I was planning to stop for some coffee, but they obviously need this money more than I do.

I'm shocked when I notice who is curled up on the bench, it's Louis...

I clear my throat before saying; "um excuse me."

Louis doesn't move, except for the shiver that he has, but otherwise I think he's still asleep. 

I decide to lightly shake him, hoping not to startle him, except that's exactly what I did.

"I'm stronger than I look, leave me alone." Louis says as he shoots up alerted.

I chuckle, "um, your the guy from the bakery, right?" I say, trying to make it seem like I don't already know him. 

He looks up at me shocked and a slight blush on his cheeks, slightly embarrassed. 

"y-ya." He says

"Why are you sleeping on a park bench" I ask him bluntly, not knowing how else to bring it up.

I can see Louis making a story up by the way he's thinking about how to answer me; "I came here early this morning to see the sunset, guess I just fell asleep."

He's smart, I would almost believe him if I didn't hear what happened on the phone last night, and because he doesn't seem like an early riser, or a sunset kind of guy, not to mention the shiver he has. 

"Mate seriously, your shivering way too much to only have been here for an hour, do you not have anywhere to go?" I ask.

He looks down, obviously defeated.

Louis looks up at me with tears pooling in his eyes and shakes his head, confirming he has no where to go. 

My heart breaks at this, I was hoping this wasn't the circumstance, that he really was here to watch the sunset or fell asleep watching his siblings play at the park, if he even has siblings. 

"You can stay at my place." I say without thinking, He can't stay at my moms house because he already met her as Marcel's mom and I don't know how'd I leave for school as Marcel with Louis with me. 

"That's nice of you, but I don't want to trouble you. I can go home soon, this is just temporary."

I frown, what does that mean, he was temporary kicked out? I decide I can take him to my own house that I recently just bought here in Doncaster. 

"You won't be bothering me at all, I'm really only home during the weekend anyways, I'll only be home on weeknights otherwise." I say.

I think I can make this work, I can stay there the rest of the weekend with him, getting to know him so that he can trust me enough to tell me what is going on. Then during the weekdays, I'll say that I have to leave early in the morning for work related things, meaning i'll be gone before he wakes up for school, and then come home and spend the night back there.

Louis seems hesitant, probably because he doesn't personally know me, just that i'm a popstar. But, he really doesn't have any other options, clearly, or he wouldn't be sleeping on a bench. 

"Okay." Louis sighs. 

We start walking toward my house, which thankfully is on the same side of town as my moms, so it won't be a long walk. Stopping at a coffee shop first for some coffee and breakfast that Louis argued to pay for, of course I won.  

Once making it to my house I show him around and let him get settled in the guest room. He seemed to be really tired, so I left him to rest while I go make some calls to my mom and Simon about the situation, Their not going to be happy about it, especially Simon.  

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