Chapter Four

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The first day back to school was finally over, and I was more than ready to go home and take a quick nap before leaving for my interview. I grab my bag from my locker and make my way to leave the school, while passing Louis' locker I hear something i'd never thought I would hear come out of his mouth.

"So Louis, are you going to watch Harry's live interview tonight." His Irish friend asks him in a teasing tone.

"Shut up Niall, he's a good singer is all, and for your information no I'm not I have to work." Louis sassed back

"your sure you don't think he's fit?" Niall laughed

"I'm not gay Niall." Louis responded back

"mhm." Niall chuckled

Louis looked up at me and shouted "oi, what you looking at nerd." I quickly started walking out the school before anything else could happen.

So Louis likes my music, interesting I thought. I walked the ten minutes to my house and dropped my bag at the front door.

"Harry, hun, how was you day." my mom shouted from the kitchen

"long." I said walking into the kitchen

"Make any friends?" Mom asked as she came over to hug me

"No i'm the school nerd, no one would talk to me, and this Louis kid was a complete arsehole to me." I pouted

"Give it time, you'll make some friends, and if not you have a whole other life to live with lots of friends." Mom said

"I know but I just wanted to have some part of me that's normal, like go to parties and hang out with my friends, walk in the streets without being noticed, I love my fans but sometimes I feel like i'm missing out on regular teenage things." I said

"Then why create a character so unapproachable?" my mom asked

"Simon said I had to be completely unrecognizable for this to work, I have to be the opposite of who I really am. That means no curls and not to show my tattoos or any other known thing about me." I answered

"Well I get why he's saying that, he's doing it for your safety hun." My mom explained

"I know but it's still not the normal I was hoping for." I frowned

"Well, why don't you go lay down for a bit before you have to leave for your interview, Gemma's coming back for dinner tonight." My mom suggested.

I gave her a nod before grabbing an apple and walking up to my room. I have a standard teenage room, I haven't changed it since I left because I moved out last February on my birthday. Although it's the same house we've done a lot of renovations making it more modern and comfortable, being able to do this for my mom makes this all this worth it. I love being a singer and everything that comes with it, but it's hard sometimes. With those thoughts in my head I fall asleep.

I wake up half an hour later and strip down to take a shower, thrilled to get all the hair gel out.

"Mom! i'm leaving" I yell

"Okay, see you after you interview, good luck." My mom yells back

With that I leave my house and drive to the radio station, I get about five minutes away and decide I have time to stop at a bakery to grab a tea.

I look around the parking lot and notice that there's barely any cars which means I likely won't be noticed. I walk into the bakery and inhale the smell of pastries. The bell above the door signals that I've come in and an old lady steps up to the counter.

"Hello dear, what can I get you?" She asks

"I'll take an early grey tea, and a blueberry muffin please." I say

I hand her the money and wait for my food to come.

"Louis, I'm out of muffins up here can you bring me a blueberry one." The lady yells to the back.

As I'm waiting I get a text from Simon saying he wants me to stay and talk to him after my interview, probably about school.

"Here you....oh my god" I hear making me look up.

I smirk as I see Louis standing with his mouth hanging open and wide eyes.

I walk up to him and take my muffin, "thanks love" I say and turn around, I decide to mess with him a little and decide to look back over at him, "close your mouth love, you might catch flies." I say before winking at him. He immediately blushes and looks down embarrassed.

I chuckle on how the roles have reversed and head to the interview.

I can't believe Louis works at a bakery with old lady's, he seems like he has a no care kind of attitude. But he didn't seem like the Louis I had met, he seemed shy and not at all cocky. Maybe he's not as tough as everyone says he is.

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