Chapter Twelve

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We drove for twenty minutes just listening to the music playing quietly and making small talk, I was really enjoying Louis' company, he was nothing like he was at school. 

"we've been driving forever, where are you taking me." Louis complains 

"Actually were here." I say pulling into the parking lot

"Why did we drive twenty minutes to a tiny café." Louis chuckles 

"you'll see." I say getting out of the car and leading Louis inside

I found this place a couple years ago when I was driving around trying to find a place with a small amount of people, they have the best muffins I have ever tasted and their hot chocolate is so creamy.

I lead Louis over to the booth I sit in every time I come here

I admire the way Louis reads the menu, his eyelashes look so long and the way he thinks while biting his lip is so cute. Louis looks up at me and blushes when he notices I've been staring at him.

"I don't know what to get, they have so much." He says 

"Get their hot chocolate, it's amazing!" I say

We both end up getting chocolate chip muffins and hot chocolate "omg this is amazing." Louis says with wide eyes. I laugh as he continues to moan as he devours his muffin. 

"How did you find this place?" He asks me

"I don't know, I was just driving around one day trying to find a place where I could get a drink without being noticed and stumbled in here." I answer

We continue just chatting about random things like football and music, Louis seems to know a lot about music and the meaning in songs, It's so odd seeing him act all innocent and shy when I met a completely different side of him just a few days ago. 

As we were talking my phone rings, I apologies while looking down at my phone to see whos calling, of course it's Simon. 

I roll my eyes before bringing my phone up to my ear, this was supposed to be my day off. 

"Hello" I grumble into the phone 

"Harry, sorry to call you on your day off but I just received a call from Tom and he wants to move your shoot up to today and tomorrow as he's had something come up this week." Simon says

I groan into the phone before responding; "Do I even have a choice" I say

"Sorry Harry" He says before hanging up, of course I can't go one weekend without having some kind of work pop up

I look up at Louis to see him frowning at the table; "You have to go, don't you" he says

"I'm really sorry Louis, I was supposed to be off all weekend" I apologies

"It's alright, I can just get a cab home." He says

I frown at him before responding "what do you mean?" I ask

"you have to work, I don't want to trouble you with driving me back, I'll just get a cab back home."

"Your going back to your house?" I ask

"I'm sure my dad has forgotten by now, if not I can just stay with a friend." Louis says while looking out the window

"Louis, I told you, you can stay at my house for as long as you need." 

"I don't want to be a burden, really it's okay." He says while smiling, trying to convince me that everything was really okay, but I could see right through him, he had no idea what he was going to do, he thought I wanted him to leave even after I told him he's more than welcome to stay at my house. 

"Louis, your not, I'm taking you back to my house, c'mon."  we head back out to the car and drive back towards my house, I look over at Louis to see him frowning down at his hands, I don't know why I do it but i reach over and grab his hand, he just looks so sad and alone. 

He looks down at our hands with a blush and then quickly turns to face the window hiding it from me. I smirk at his reaction, I love this Louis, the Louis who isn't cold and harsh but innocent and tiny, very tiny. 

We drove in a comfortable silence with just an Ed Sheeran song humming in the background, once we reach my house Louis gets out of the car and heads inside, I stop him before he reaches the door "you're welcome to anything in the house Louis, make yourself at home" he nods with a blush and walks into my house, I sigh as I pull out of the driveway not wanting to go to work and leave Louis here by himself.

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