Chapter Three

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Being in school with a different persona is weird, I have always been someone who had a lot of friends or at least had someone to talk to at lunch. I look around the cafeteria to try to find somewhere to sit. As I pass by people I hear snarky comments about the way I dress and how weird I look, I ignore them and continue to find a table to sit at. I find a table in the back corner of the room right beside the garbage can, great. I know I didn't come back to school for the sole purpose of making friends, but it wouldn't hurt, after all, that's all part of the normalcy of being a teenager, something I don't know much about.

From the next table over I hear girls screeching about something, I listen in a little closer to hear what all the excitement is about.

"Did you see that Harry Styles is here in Doncaster! what if we seem him." one of the girls announces.

"He's so hot, he's even hotter than Louis." Another one says.

I smirk at the irony of this situation, them finding me hotter than Louis, if only they knew I smirk to myself. Although I don't see how anyone could be hotter than Louis, with his sea blue eyes, muscular arms and his feminine but very sexy figure, and his ass, his perfectly round and gorgeous ass.

Being lost in my thoughts I don't hear Louis approach me until I feel a shove to my shoulders, I look up and instantly blush when I see who it was. My past thoughts playing in my head as he stands right in front of me. I look down to hopefully hide the blush, but I know he saw it with the way he smirked at me.

I hear a snicker before Louis finally speaks up. "poor Marcel's all alone, have no one to sit with nerd." His friends all seem to laugh along with him, the one with the strong Irish accent seems to not be able to get a word in with the way he's laughing. All of his friends are stunning, there's one that looks like he was handcrafted, his jet black hair and perfect jawline makes him look like a model, but his piercing stare makes him extremely intimidating. Then there's the one that looks like a puppy dog with his droopy eyes, he doesn't seem to be mean, but he just stands by and watches, he could at least say something.

The bell rings and I stand to get up, trying to get away from Louis as soon as I can. I grab my tray and head to the garbage can, but just as quickly as I stand I hit the floor. Hearing a crack that I know came from my glasses allows me notice that their broken, good thing I don't actually need them to see, or I could have a big problem.

I zone back into reality when I hear the whole cafeteria laughing and staring at me, so much for not bringing attention to myself. I look up to see Louis patting the black heard goddess on the back, "good one Zayn" he says as they make their way out of the cafeteria.

I decide it's probably best to get off of the floor and make my way to my next class, I grab my now broken glasses and shove them in my pocket to fix tonight. I make at pit stop at the bathroom to make sure my hair is still gelled in place, I can't have my green eyes on complete display as well as curls popping out, those being my most noticeable futures. Now that I know people know i'm in Doncaster I need to hold my new persona more than ever, my fans are smart, they could spot me anywhere.

As I approach the mirror in the bathroom I notice a dark bruise forming on the side of my cheek, Simon is going to kill me, I have an interview tonight and if I show up with this he's going to go on another lecture on why going back to school is a bad idea. I sigh before I splash water on my face to hopefully wake me up, I forgot how tiring school is.

As I head to leave the bathroom I hear a stall door slam behind me followed by an oops, I look up in the mirror and pray on anything that it isn't Louis. I recognize the boy as the puppy look alike, one of Louis friends. He glances up at me and gives me a slight sad smile.

"Marcel right?" He asks me

I hesitantly answer him, not sure where he's going to take this, for all I know Louis could have put him up to something,.

"Um ya." I answer

"I'm Liam, sorry about Louis he's not always like this, he just has some things going on right now." He says before exiting the bathroom.

That was weird I think to myself, I shrug it off and head to my next class. the thought of what could be going on with Louis dances in my head for the rest of the day, I know I shouldn't care because of how he treats me, but I do care.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hopefully this chapter was better then the last ones, i'm trying to introduce you to the character as well as form the plot, Louis Pov will appear in an upcoming chapter!

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