Chapter Nine

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Louis' POV

I've been at Marcel's for a while now, he just forced a practice test on me, but at least it's the last thing were going to have to do today. I haven't been able to figure it out, but something is different about him, I thought it could be because of his curly hair that made him look less like a nerd, but something seems too familiar about him. 

The sound of my phone ringing breaks me out of my thoughts, seeing that it's my dad whose calling me makes me stiffen, this can't be good. "Hello." I answer.

"Louis where did you go, I wasn't done speaking to you earlier." Dad slurs.

I came over to Marcel's early because my dad had been home and was drinking, the second I walked in the door he started yelling at me for being stupid and how i'd never be anything like him, thank god. Being around my dad while he's drunk is never a good thing, he only ever drink when my moms on night shift at the hospital. The second I got the chance to escape I made my way over here.

"I'm at a friends house studying." I answer

"You don't study, your probably fucking some girl who told you that your good enough." My dad yells.

He thinks that I only care about having sex and not on my future.

"No, I really am." I plead.

"Your a worthless piece of shit, don't come home until you have a test with an A on it." My dad says before hanging up.

I walk back over to Marcel's bed and sit down, what am I supposed to do? I have no where to go. I don't realize i'm crying until I hear a sniffle escape. I take a minute to try to stop, I don't need Marcel to have a reason to think i'm weak. Raising my head to meet his eyes I notice he's about to say something, I send him a glare that quickly shuts him up, not wanting to hear what he has to say.

I decide to call Liam, hoping he's home and that I can crash at his place. Liam is the only one of my friends that know about my home life, his family is close friends of mine so I trust him with everything.

After calling Liam all my hope is gone, I forgot this is the weekend he was going up to Wolverhampton for some family thing, I don't want him to worry about me so I don't tell him what's really going on. I won't bother calling Niall or Zayn because I know this is going to be more than a one day thing, seeing as the test isn't until Thursday and if i'm at their house for that long they will start asking question I don't want to answer.

I quickly grab my bag and tell Marcel I have to leave, knowing i'm going to break down, I need to get out of here. I almost make it to the door when I trip over my clumsy feet.

"Ouch" I squeak as I hit the floor.

As I go to stand back up I hear someone enter the room. "Omg, are you okay dear." I look up to see Marcel's mom standing there concerned.

I stand up before answering her, wincing at the slight ach in my ankle. "I'm fine, just tripped I guess."

"Are you sure you don't need anything, maybe some ice?" She questions me.

"I'm sure, but thank you for the offer, I should get going." I say

She lets me go with that, I walk out the door not knowing where i'm going to go. At times like these I wish I had a car, with us being low on money I was never able to afford it after helping my parents pay for the rent. My dad works at a bar but spends all his money gambling hoping to make some quick cash. Mom never used to work until my dad got a job, now she works at the hospital cafeteria trying to make enough for rent and grocery's. 

I walk until I see a small park come up on the right, guess i'm sleeping on a bench tonight, it wouldn't be the first time. Whenever I'm away for long dad always tells mom that i'm staying at a friends house to make sure she doesn't come looking for me. Sometimes I wish she payed more attention, but I know she tries her best, she's barely ever home anymore because she takes as many shifts as she can get, leaving me alone with my dad most days.

I huddled up on a bench trying to keep my self warm and try to fall asleep, hoping I have enough cash to stay at a crappy motel tomorrow, anythings better than a cold park bench.

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