Chapter Eight

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Louis' been here for just over an hour, he seems to be understanding the content a lot better and should be able to pass the upcoming test on Thursday. I gave Louis a practice test that I was planning to use to study, something my on the road teachers used to help me study in the short amount of time I had for school each day. Of course Louis rolled his eyes and made fun of me for having a test made up, but he decided to do it after I promised him it would be the last thing for today.

The sound of a phone ringing breaks the silence that was filling the room.

Louis seems to stiffen once seeing whose calling him but answers anyways, "Hello."

I try to busy myself with looking through the work Louis has done so far to give him some privacy, but I can't help but notice how uncomfortable Louis' side of the conversation sounds.

"I'm at a friends house studying." Louis says into his phone, the fact he referred to me as a friends made me a bit worried, but maybe it was a cover up for who he's really with.

"No, I really am." he pleads.

I furrow my eyebrows at this, who is he trying to convince, assuming it's not one of his friends due to the fact that he made sure I wasn't going to tell anyone earlier today in science. I don't realize Louis is off the phone until the sound of a sniffle brings me back to reality.

Wait, a sniffle, is he crying? He has his head tilted towards the ground making it hard to tell.

After a few minutes he looks back up at me with red eyes, I go to say something but he gives me a look to not mention it.

He clears his throat and asks if I mind if he makes another short call, I nod kinda confused on why he even asked, the Louis I know does what he wants when he wants. This makes me even more concerned on what just happened with him.

"Hey Liam, are you home?" Louis says getting up to move to the other side of my room.

I again try not to listen in, but following the events that just happened i'm way to curios to ignore it.

"never mind, I was just bored." Louis says into his phone.

"No, it's nothing to do with him, I was really just bored." Louis exclaims with sudden irritation.

Who's him? What's going on?

Louis hangs up the phone and quickly starts to pack his things telling me that he has to go, leaving before giving me the chance to answer.

I have no idea what just happened with him but i'm really worried. Maybe when Liam said he has some personal things going on this was it...whatever this is.

I decide to leave it for tonight and get out of all my Marcel clothes, I feel so weird wearing these things, it's not the most comfortable clothes to wear but it has to be done if I want to get my diploma.

For the rest of the night I try to forget about what happened, but I can't, what if it's something really bad. I try to figure out a way to find out what's really going on, it's not going to be easy, he doesn't even like me so how am I going to convince him to tell me about it. I end up falling asleep trying to form a plan.

Sometime in the middle of the night I wake with a sudden jolt remembering something that could help me...he may not like Marcel but he likes Harry.

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