Chapter Six

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Louis' house above

Louis POV

I'm standing in the driveway after getting home from work, staring at the house that I really don't want to go in side of. I decide I should probably head in before my parents notice me just standing out front. I sigh before making my way towards my tiny house, hoping for the best.

"This is the last place I want to be." I mumble to myself.

I open the door as quietly as possible, hoping no one heard me enter.

"Louis, where have you been, It's 8:30!" I obviously wasn't quiet enough.

"I was at work mom." I mumble "Is dad here?" I hesitantly ask.

"No, he's working late tonight." I sigh a relief at that, hoping my mom didn't notice it.

My mom and I have a pretty good relationship, or did at least. A couple years ago my dad lost his job as a doctor for purposely giving someone the wrong medication, and since then we'd been pretty tight on money. My dad and I used to have a good relationship but ever since the day he was fired he turned into a cruel and aggressive man. He's never been physically abusive towards me, but emotionally is a different story. I try to keep to myself and stay away from here as much as possible, that being the reason my relationship with my mom has slipped. She doesn't know about the abuse, she has enough problems to deal with.

"I think I'm going to grab a snack and head to bed, I'm pretty tired." I say

my mom kisses my head and walks back to the rec room.

I head into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat, noticing I don't have much to choose from I make a peanut butter sandwich.

I sit in my room watching YouTube videos on my laptop for a few hours before I hear the door close downstairs. I stiffen before throwing my laptop off my bed and quickly try to make it look like I'm sleeping. I groan as I hear the footsteps approaching my room, my lights are still on so there's no point in attempting to fake sleep.

"Did you get your science test back today?" My dad asks walking into my room, without so much as a knock. I mentally roll my eyes, typical.

"Ya." I say as cold as possible.

"Then get it out what are you waiting for." My dad glares

I know what's coming and prepare myself for his reaction, I hesitantly reach into my bag and pull out my test, handing it over to my dad.

He rips it out of money hand and scans my paper before ripping it up in pieces and throwing it to the ground.

"This is why were poor, I have to deal with a stupid child whose going to amount to nothing." My dad yells, he keeps his voice down enough that my mom won't hear.

"Your an embarrassment to this household, get these marks up for the next test or your out of the house, and your mom won't be able to tell me otherwise." He says before slamming my door.

After I hear him walk away from my room I break down in tears, how am I supposed to get my marks up that quick, the next test is next Thursday, and tomorrows Friday. I know my dad's threat is real, I need to somehow get these marks up. None of my friends are good enough at science to help me, even Liam. I groan when I realize my only hope rests in the hand of the new nerd...Marcel.

————————————————————-So there's a bit of an insight on Louis home life, you'll be seeing a bit more of it in chapters to come. His life will slowly unravel throughout the story. Also he will be an only child in this story and will also never physically be abused. For anything I think will be triggering I will notice at the top of the chapter.

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