Chapter Two

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Before we get into the story I'd just like to point out that the POV will be in Harry's unless otherwise stated. Now into the chapter!

Walking into the school gives me a nostalgic feeling as I remember what it was like to be in school. Before I auditioned for the X Factor I was a normal kid. I left school at 14, and since haven't returned. I've kept up with school work with personal teacher while on the road.

A loud cough breaks me out of my trance, "Um nerd, your blocking my locker, move." I look up to see the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen, but along with them is a harsh glare that's directed at me. I quickly move out-of-the-way not wanting to cause any trouble with him.

I keep walking down the hallway towards my locker while thinking about the blue-eyed beauty I just saw, If I was Harry right now I probably would have tried to charm him some how, I have a flirty personality, it's not a bad thing.

I've known I was gay for a long time, but haven't come out to the public yet because I'm scared of the hate that will come along with it.

Reaching my locker, I drop my bag off and grab what I'll need for science. I'm excited for this class! hope fully some time during the year we'll get to make something explode.

On the way to my classroom I notice many stairs and snickers, I'm not offended this is what I was going for, no one suspects anything!

I made my way into the classroom, "you must be Marcel, since it's only a month into the school year you haven't missed anything besides review!" I nod my head glad that I won't have much to catch up on. "Why don't you take a seat beside Mr. Tomlinson over there." Mr. Anderson says to me.

I look over to where the same boy from this morning is sitting, he glares as I walk over to the empty chair beside him.

"Why did Niall have to drop this course" I head him groan as I walk closer to the shared table. He must be talking about one of his friends that used to sit here.

I smiled at him as I sit down, but all I got in return was an eye roll. My smile drops and I turn away from him, realizing that someone like him wouldn't want to talk to someone like me.

I get through science with no problems, we didn't do any partner work so I don't have to worry about talking to Louis throughout the class. I tried to help him with his work after a loud groan left his moth followed by a pencil thrown across the room, but I'll I got in return was a rude comment of not needing my help.

The only reason I actually know his name is because of the teacher yelling at him for the pencil. He didn't seem to care and just came back with a sassy remark, making the entire class erupt in laughter and him a detention.

I make a mental note to stay away from Louis, already knowing he's not someone to be messed with, especially if you look and act like me.

So there it is! The story will get better I promise, As well as longer chapters. I'm just getting a feel for the mood of the story!

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