Chapter Fourteen

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The weekend went by way to quickly for my liking, Louis is still currently at my house, but since tomorrow is Monday I had to make some lame excuse about having to fly to America tonight for some upcoming photoshoot meetings. Before leaving I made sure Louis would have a ride to school tomorrow and made him promise he won't disclose my location by meeting his ride at a park near my house, Simon would have my head of he knew I had more than just Louis knowing my address. 

"Mom, I'm back!" I yell through my moms house 

"Harry hun! nice to have you back!" my mom says cheeringly 

I laugh at her comment since I have only been gone for the weekend, but in her defence, before this whole going back to high school journey, my mom hasn't seen much of me since X factor. 

"How is the poor lad, is he still over at your house" She questions 

"He seems to be doing alright, I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but I do have the idea that it has to do with his dad." I explain 

"He seems to be a lot more comfortable there after spending the weekend with me, so hopefully he can feel at home." I continue 

"I'm glad to hear it hun, just be careful, it can be really risky for him to find out your true identity." she gives me one last look and motions to the kitchen to finish cleaning up. 

I decide to get a start on my homework, there is no way I can have Marcel missing assignments, that could completely blow my entire cover. 

I look down at the first question "what are your goals and aspirations for the future" I begin thinking to myself, a lot of my goals have already been reached, and obviously I can't write selling out stadiums and continuing to make music that the fans can relate to, as the teachers have no idea who I really am. 

I decide to answer the question in a more open way.

"My future aspirations are to spread kindness around the world, rather that be through my job, through my future children or through just being a good person. I have always wanted to create an environment where people feel welcomed and accepted. I look to have an occupation where I can be involved with many different people in all different types of stages of life and places in the world. Even if I give one person the motivation to reach for their goals and spread kinds around the world, I will feel as though I have accomplished this goal, no number is too small when spreading kinds. I live by the Moto, treat people with kindness, it's like the golden rule but in my own words and my own true meaning." 

After writing my paragraph I start thinking about Louis and how maybe the reason he is so different and cold at school is to give him a sense of power and in a weird way a sense of belonging. He craves the attention, the power to have people look at him as the popular lad that no one messes with. In a way he is almost like me, he uses this false persona to hide and protect himself. Instead of protecting his identity though, he is protecting his heart from being hurt and betrayed any further by making himself unapproachable. 

After having this thought I decide to message Louis and make sure he is doing alright, maybe I can help him break this school persona and show him that not everyone in life is going to hurt you and make you feel lesser.

I pick up my phone, making sure its the right one, I don't want to text him as Harry from Marcel's number. 

"Hey lad, how's everything going over at the house?" I ask

Almost immediately the little bubbles pop up and then a text appears, "everything is good, have you landed in California yet?"

I think about the timing and make sure it lines up, it seems to be what would be halfway through my flight at this time. 

"Not yet, about halfway there, getting a little bored" I respond 

"That sucks, but, you must have some fancy private jet seats that massage you through the entire flight, or maybe some hot flight attendant to give you some entertainment." 

I laugh at his response, I know he's not being serious as he knows I'm not that shallow 

"Nah, would much prefer a fit lad as the attendant, now that would give me some entertainment." I send the message without much thought, forgetting it's Louis and not one of my mates that I'm texting. 

"Lad huh? Thought you were a women's man" he responds

shit, I completely just outed myself to Louis, not even just Louis, a fan, I need to fix this before this gets out at school and eventually to Simon. 

I think hard about my response, I don't really want to lie and deny it, but I have to cover it up. "Sometimes people need a change in appreciation for humans, were all the same kind aren't we. I mean, the flight attendant is stunning, could make a great model." I send the text hoping this could clear the last message. 

"guess your right lad, I'm gonna head to bed, some people have school tomorrow, ofc you wouldn't know that, lol." He responds

I send him a quick goodnight message and decide to get some sleep myself as in all irony, I do know, I too have school tomorrow, If only he knew. 

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