Chapter Fifteen

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"Lad's I'm telling ya, nicest bloke I've ever met" Louis exclaimed 

I was walking down the school hallways when I overhear Louis talking to his friends at the locker, I hope to God he's not telling them that he's living at Harry's house, I never thought of him exposing my house address and leaking pictures of the inside to everyone. I guess I forgot Louis was a teenager and would want to show that off, fuck. 

"How did you even meet him again?" the Irish lad I remember as Niall asked

"uhh, he came to the bakery" Louis says

"Ya no you told as that already, I meant this weekend" Niall said

"Oh, he uh, I was on a walk in the park and he was running.."

Oh god here we go, he's going to tell them all about his weekend, I should have thought this through more, I just didn't want him sleeping on a cold park bench.

"I accidentally bumped into him while I was looking down at my phone and he stopped to talk to me, we hung out at the park for a bit is all." Louis finishes

huh, so he didn't tell them the whole story, I wonder why, I know anyone else would be posting all over the internet about being at my house and the text messages that were sent. I guess Louis really may be different.

"What the fuck you listening too, gotta problem nerd." I hear someone yell from where Louis and his friends are standing

I look over and notice Zayn giving me a harsh glare, fuck, I really need to be careful with this whole eavesdropping problem.

"Uh, no-nothing, I was just uh, thinking sorry, I wasn't listening I swear" I stammer back, nice Harry real smooth there I say to myself sarcastically 

"Mhmmm" Zayn says walking over to me 

I start to get a little scared, if I was Harry I know this wouldn't intimidate me as much, I can hold my ground, but for some reason when I'm in the Marcel persona I start thinking and acting like Marcel would, it's really starting to be a problem. 

Zayn gets so close to be that I can see the glint in his eyes when he sees the fear come across my face.

"Nerds like you shouldn't be hanging around people like us, if I see you listening to us again we're gonna have a real problem, got it." Zayn spits 

I gulp down the fear in my throat and slowly nod my head, "sorry what was that." Zayn questions, "Got it." I mumble 

"good" Zayn says with a smirk, as he walks away he smacks the books out of my hands causing a loud smack on the floor 

I look over to the rest of the group and see Louis high giving Zayn as he walks back over, he's so different here I think. I wonder what he's actually thinking when all this happens, I know Louis is not a bully, but how does he put up this convincing front. 

I continue on my way to science class with this lasting thought, the Louis Harry met was so kind and timid, how can someone switch so quickly.

I sit in my seat waiting on Louis's arrival, hoping he gives me some sort of break since I helped him study for the test today. 

Louis walks in with a look of fear on his face, he must be stressing about this test. 

I decide to test my luck and give him some encouragement "You've got this" I whisper 

"shut it nerd" he snarls back

ok, so that didn't help with his confidence, but I think I know what might

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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