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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖜𝖏𝖘𝖓

chenle also used this sneaky little trick for another thing.

since he was born, he has looked out of his window into the forest to see a beacon shooting in the sky at night, that nobody else seems to see.

one night a few years back, he gave into curiosity and escaped the castle once again, running into the forest. tree after tree, he tried to find the origin of this light.

once he found it, his life has never been the same since.

his escape, from everything.

chenle goes to this place every night, hardly missing a day, and never seeming to be caught by anyone. it was like a dream come true.

he has never told anyone about this place and what lies within it, and he never planned to. not even the 4 boys he knows the most in this world. it was like it was made just for him to see, and for now he wanted to keep it that way.


chenle awoke to another dreaded day in the castle, also to the noise of a cockrel screaming into the crack of where his window meets the windowsill.

"would you please shut the fuck up oh my god"

chenle smushed his face into the pillow, covering his ears with it, and sinking deeper into the mattress, trying to escape the screech of this brain dead animal.

fed up, he sprung from his bed as fast as he could, running to the window and scaring the thing off. a subtle smile could be seen on his face as he shook his head and flopped back onto his king bed.

oh he wanted so badly to cuddle back in those blankets, but he was already awake and knew that bastardly cockrel would be back if it saw him shut his eyes once again.

huffing and puffing, he dragged his feet back to the window, opening them and breathing in fresh air. he stared down at the winding streets filled with people, some he felt horrible for, and others he wished he was.

he saw the same man who had sat in the same spot on the same road for weeks on end, obviously not having a home to go to and struggling to acquire money to survive.

he felt incredible sympathy for this man and wanted to help him so badly, but remember, he can't go out without permission, and apparently helping someone in need isn't a viable excuse to leave the grounds.

"if he can't work hard enough to keep a home, he should never have one! a waste of a good home that could be given to someone who isn't lazy"

oh those words from his father made him seeth, but he can't do anything about it.

frowning, he looked over to the florist, selling neatly arranged and tied bouquets of flowers, obviously very happy with the job she had. smiling at customers and happily dancing around the shop and loving her life.

chenle wanted to be that florist, not take her spot, but work along side her. she seemed like a joy to be around and he smiled at the thought of working in a flower shop. he frowned again though, because he could never be that florist.

realising that all he thought about would end in sadness, he was about to leave the window, when he saw a peculiar sight approaching the gates of the kingdom.

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