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jisung did not have time to react.

it was milliseconds between him first seeing the sword and it making contact with his chest.

everything turned into slow motion, and jisung could only watch as it started to pierce through his skin, evoking a terribly sharp pain that ricocheted throughout his body.

yes, one of his supernatural characteristics was that he healed incredibly fast, but he wouldn't be able to heal if his heart was targeted.

and it was.

images of chenle sprung up in his mind, images that overpowered the agony he felt in his body.

and he smiled.

he smiled at the memories, he smiled at the fact that he had some light in his life, no matter how brief it was.

he smiled as chenle was his last memory.

his last memory before he sank into the darkness, pulled back into where he began.

and he was smiling.

a tear fell.

his last tear.

his last emotion.


he closed his eyes and let the darkness take him.

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