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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖕𝖔𝖕𝖕𝖞 - 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖞𝖈

all that could be heard was the heavy wooshes of the air under jisung's wings as the two flew further and further away from the scene.

jisung was slightly in shock, realising how close chenle had come to not seeing the light of day again.

but they made it out, leaving a harsh reminder and death behind them.

"...it hurts..."

or so they thought.

a feeble voice broke the repetitive sound of wooshing air, and jisung's eyes widened.

he looked down and saw that chenle was extremely pale, like all the blood had left his body.

his eyes were glossy and silently crying for help, and the smaller weakly grabbed at the fabric of jisung's shirt.

"oh my god."

that was all jisung could say as worry filled his entire body, and immediately decided where they needed to go.


the fairy knew exactly what to do when daegal accidentally cut herself while playing, but this was a much larger task.

however chenle had a better chance with him than anyone the taller knew.

"tell me where it hurts" jisung asked, getting a few whimpers in response.

chenle directed his eyes to jisung's hand holding his waist, which had blood attempting to seep out from under the large palm and painting the sides of his hand red.

hesitantly, jisung lifted his hand up to see a large gash along chenle's side, which he had accidentally kept pressure on.

he placed his hand firmly back on the wound, which caused chenle to twitch in pain, but continued to put pressure on it as it was prolonging the time he had to get to jaemin.

"don't worry, you'll be okay. you'll be okay." jisung whispered as he kissed chenle on the forehead.

and he flew faster than he ever had before.


frantically, his wings pushed the two closer and closer to the beacon that lit up life for the small boy in his arms, whom was struggling to stay conscious.

"we're almost there. almost" jisung said in reassurance, cuddling his lover like it was the last.

as soon as he was a few meters away, he stopped flying, and dropped like a stone through the tops of the trees, outstretching his wings at the last moment to stop them from both having a bad ending.

and jisung ran.

he ran straight for the familiar tree and did not stop to check like usual.

he launched himself through the portal, landing on soft grass, and resumed the sprint straight towards the small home of the fairies.

"jaemin! please help; this is urgent!"

the tone of jisung's voice made jaemin immediately pop out from the structure, not with his usual jolly and joking manner.

yet, he managed to still stay as himself but more serious.

"jeno! get your ass and some cloth here right now!"

jaemin immediately sparked into action at the sight of blood dripping down chenle's side, and got jisung to lay him down on the pink bear cloth jeno had provided from his material collection.

"pink bears? that's a nice deathbed" chenle joked after opening his mouth for the first time in a while.

it seemed to take all his strength, and he laid motionless, only looking around at the people above him.

renjun had joined them, worried sick, and jaemin pried jisung's hand away to examine what he had to deal with.

taking a deep breath, the fairy looked up at jisung, "hold his hand for me. this is going to hurt."


"i need to close this thing or he's not going to make it. give him something to hold onto. he'll appreciate it."

the serious tone coming from this small pink fairy was so unusual that it seemed intimidating, causing jisung to shuffle over near chenle's head and hold his hand tight.

"i don't know what he's going to do but he said it's going to hurt. don't be afraid to hold onto me as tight as you need to" jisung comforted.

"...i swear i've heard that before." chenle replied, giggling a little.

jisung's ears turned red as the smaller continued quietly, "you know when daegal got hurt? he's going to do the same thing now, and i'm terrified."

the other recalled hearing a yelp behind him from the small dog, but did not see what was going on.

he saw jaemin give a little nod to renjun, who flew up to chenle's head and placed his small hands on his temples.

a green glow emitted from his hands, "it'll numb the pain a little. even i can't numb it fully.", he explained to the clueless face of jisung.

jeno creeped up behind the boy and stuck something in his ears, and jaemin didn't give chenle any more time to think about it.

immediately the small hand holding his own tightened, the taller looked off to the side, and for the next 20 seconds, faintly heard a gut-wrenching scream.

for that entire time he did not look at what was happening, and only reached his other hand down to the side of chenle's face.

he locked eyes with jeno who was also trying not to look, and silently thanked him for the earplugs.

his heart was almost unable to take it, but reassured himself that it will save his life.

(an. this is a shitty chapter LMAO maybe it's just because chenle is almost dead NAUURUURUR

but uhm


look up how british GCSE grades work because it's stupid

I GOT 3 7'S, 2 8'S AND 4 9'S OMG

huge brain moment

watch me get 6's on my legit exams HAHHAH

but uh

merry late crimmis

i got a neobong :D)

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