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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖈𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖉𝖘 - 𝖓𝖈𝖙 127

TW// mention of self inflicted blood

chenle and jisung sat on the ledge for hours, until jisung decided it was best for him to get back.

after all, he didn't know just how long they had sat there.

"i think i should go. i need to get back early before any suspicion. thank you for taking me around and it was nice to spend this time with you."

"it was nice for me too ji; i never thought i would be bringing anyone here but... you're very special."

jisung smiled endearingly at the comment and stood up, "let's go shall we?"

chenle also stood up and they both went back the way they came, ending up next to the tree that allowed them in here.

"are you staying chenle?"

"yes, i need to tend to daegal, i noticed her food had run out just then. also there's a lot of time left before i really need to go. i'll see you tomorrow, ji?"

"sure thing, bye lele!"

chenle waved and jisung turned around and walked through the tree, disappearing.

he lightly smiled and his heart felt incredibly warm.

he wanted to spend a long time with jisung.


chenle awoke the next day to a noise i don't have to elaborate on anymore, and decided to go and visit his friends today.

happier than usual, he did his daily routine of getting dressed, eating breakfast and going back to his room.

again he grabbed the same cloak, put it on, and swung himself out the window, descending to the ground.

he took the same route, blending in with the crowd.

this time the homeless man was not there.

it was unusual.

he shrugged it off and went down to the shop, and the familiar jingle of the door caught mark's attention.

he was in the middle of dealing with a customer, and so chenle kept his head down to avoid being recognised.

he pretended to look through the sweets on offer until the customer had left, and haechan immediately came speeding in from the back room to envelope chenle in a hug.

"we missed you chenle!"

"i missed you too. i can't breathe again"

haechan let go and yangyang this time came over, "how are you doing? glad to see you're alive. it's such a bummer, isn't it? i know you trusted him."

"...what are you talking about?"

the 4 stared at eachother.

"you haven't heard?"

chenle just looked at them with a confused yet upset face. he was sure they were talking about a specific someone.

"i'm sorry to break this news to you" , mark started, "that hooded guy you've been meeting? he's been spying on us. the whole kingdom. everyone is suspecting he's looking to see any weak spots for an attack. they are already on bad terms with us, aren't they?"

chenle's heart dropped to the floor.

he didn't believe it.

"how do you know this for sure?"

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