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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖌𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊 - 𝖐𝖊𝖞

it seemed like the general consensus was that chenle could meet jisung again, and so that is exactly what he did.

excited, for some reason, he left the castle boundaries the same way as he always does, and skipped this time through the entire forest.

happy as anything, he was taking in sight of the teeming life, until something dropped his mood to ground level.

coming to a stop, he observed the newly mauled body of a foal, and the sight both made him disgusted and upset.

this foal had obviously been attacked by a predator of some sort, and it had eaten most of the fatty tissue.

wait, a predator? that can eat something that big?

once again, chenle was chilled to his core. 'what if it goes for me? what if it's hiding in the trees, waiting for me to turn my back?'

and so chenle decided to sprint, as fast as he possibly could, towards where he thought jisung was.

jisung could protect him with that weapon on his back, right?

he paid attention to what was under his feet, dodging rocks and low-hanging branches that might trip him up. don't forget the logs, either!

he was spooking the animals around him as he ran, muttering quick 'sorry' 's as if they could understand what he was saying.

a few strides and a few pants later, all the wildlife seemed to disappear again. he knew jisung was here now.

making sure to not trip over the same log, he jumped it, and landed without a bruise this time.

"jisung?", chenle called, wanting to be as close to him as possible at this current moment.

chenle heard the crunch of leaves that weren't his own feet's doing, and for a split second he thought he was going to be mauled just like the foal.

alas, it was jisung just standing up from his log, but chenle couldn't see him because of how dark the shroud is.

"hey chenle! uhh why are you so tired?"

chenle ran towards the other, "i just saw the most upsetting sight of a foal that just got mauled by something and i... i wanted to sprint to you because you have a big sword and you could protect me if whatever predator thing decided to attack me too HEAVE"

ranting without taking a breath mixed with having just ran for his life wasn't a good mix for chenle, and he had to take a few moments to stop dying from a lack of oxygen.

"... by big sword, what are you implying?"

that sentence hit chenle like a truck. in more than one way.

eyebrows raised and eyes wide open, he stared into the black hole which is jisung's supposed face, and could feel the latter staring right back at him.

who knew this boy could spit jokes of that nature out? he didn't seem the type.

"...wh...", the prince couldn't even finish his word because of how taken off-guard he was.

jisung cleared his throat, "i'm sorry... uh... don't worry, i'll protect you as best i can. i noticed that every time i come here, the animals run away. maybe that could scare it away, too."

composed now and breathing normally, chenle asked, "does it sadden you that they all seem to leave because of you?"

"i expected it. everyone seems to be scared of me, and rightly so. even my own people. i definitely look like someone you'd want to be a safe distance from; that was your first impression, wasn't it?"

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