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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖎𝖉 - 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖚𝖘

they had been in the same position for a long while, basking in the strong feeling.

chenle had been contemplating whether to confess or not; it made him very nervous.

however, he came to a definite conclusion.

"ji?", chenle softly said.

"yes lele?"

"do you want to go and sit near the pond? you haven't really seen the shenanigans of the ducklings."

"sure! but you can't really do that if you're laying there."

"it's like getting out of bed"

chenle stood up, getting a little bit cold, and dragged the other up as well.

they strolled over to the pond, seeing daegal playing with the mother duck like they were both dogs.

"i've never seen a duck act like that before."

"it's daegal's charm. come on, sit down."

jisung obeyed, and they sat on the side of the pond, watching the ducklings swim with their tiny feet.

"aren't they cute? look!"

"not as cute as you, and i'd rather stare at you for eternity."

chenle burned up, hiding his face in his knees.

sweating profusely, it was a better time than ever, but it was hard to speak.

taking a deep breath, he was ready to spill the beans. he was very confident jisung had the same feeling as him.

"jisung i need to tell you something."

chenle lifted his head up from his knees and looked towards jisung.

"what... is it?"

the moment you've all been waiting for.

even norenmin, who were watching from behind, clinging onto eachother and hoping.

"i've... realised i felt this from the first time i met you, and i'm brave enough to say it now. jisung, i...."

jisung held his breath.

"i like you. like, love you. not in a... friendly way, in a 'i want to be your boyfriend' kind of way."

jisung just stared into nothingness, unable to breathe.

it was finally happening.

"...at the minimum can we still be friends? if you don't like me back it's oka-"

"then be my boyfriend."

jisung finally took a breath, but it was like he transferred his unable-to-breathe-ness onto chenle, who was now almost hyperventilating.


the taller turned his body towards chenle, and guided the other by his shoulders to do the same.

they were now facing eachother, and jisung held chenle's hands with his own.

looking into the eyes of the smaller, "i... love you too, lele. i guess you beat me to it."

"is this really happening?"

chenle was sat there in disbelief, eyes wide.

"oh yes, it is. don't act like you never got any of my hints with that face you're pulling."

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