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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖓𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖇𝖞𝖊 - 𝖓𝖈𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒

the two were sprinting through the forest, hand in hand.

it was like a scene out of a drama.

laughing like no tomorrow, they both weaved through the trees, jisung letting chenle lead the way to wherever he was taking him.

jisung was now deeper in the forest he had ever been, and it was beautiful.

chenle suddenly stopped, face-to-face with a tree.

"you probably can't see this, but this tree is glowing white in my eyes. trust me when i run full pelt at it"

"okay... i trust you."

chenle turned around, gave a warm smile to jisung which seemed to warm his heart, and proceeded to really run full pelt at the tree.

he was dragging the younger with him, and jisung really trusted him, so he didn't brace.

instead he was met with a flash of light which honestly hurt his eyes and he closed them, but felt the soft brush of long grass against his shins.

this grass was not there before striking the tree.

realising something magical was at play, he was nervous to open his eyes back up.

"open your eyes, ji. you really won't regret it."

and so he did.

"holy fuck"

the place they were now in was everything jisung could have ever dreamed of. it was heaven on earth.

he stared around at the picturesque scene of trees surrounding a clearing with luscious long grass, flowers and fruit trees, neatly arranged into rows.

in the middle of this clearing was the most cozy-looking cottage he could have imagined, with vines climbing the walls and making little flowers sprout off the roof.

he turned to his right, seeing a small, well-kept pond with a family of ducks inhabiting it, frogs bounding from lilly pad to lilly pad.

he smiled at the sight of the ducklings frantically trying to keep up with their mother, and saw one jump onto her tail.

he now turned to his left, met with a path out of the clearing which led to something he couldn't see.

he also observed a large flower garden, with all the prettiest flowers you could imagine, and concealed a healthy vegetable patch.

the whole thing seemed to be glowing a gold colour, like it wasn't real, but it is.

the grass seemed to be sparkling unnaturally in the light of the sun, and it was swaying elegantly in no wind.

"so, what do you think?"

"this place is... unreal. i'm speechless. it's heavenly. i get why you go here every night."

"it really is everything i could have wanted in a place. in these woods, there are so many other wonderful places, but this is what i call home. and i never thought i would ever share it with anybody else."

"was it never lonely?"

"not at all. there are others living here that i cherish. watch this... guys i'm here!"

chenle raised his voice, and they waited for a few seconds.

suddenly, out popped three flying creatures from the path out of the trees, speeding towards them.

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