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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 - 𝖐𝖊𝖞

chenle now had the painting in one arm, and the vine in the other. it was already risky enough with both hands, and now he had to carry a huge canvas with him too.

the shit he would do for park jisung.

luckily he was able to descend without falling, but now he had to climb.

without second thought he launched the painting over the wall, not worrying about it getting damaged due to the soft landing.

surely enough, none of the paint had come off, and so he skipped happily into the forest, looking forward to showing jisung the painting and just meeting him.

after a while he found the dead spot, but he noticed this time that there were a few animals flitting between the trees.

they seemed to be getting used to him just like chenle.

and he was very thankful.

he found jisung this time not sat on the log, but stood near it, back towards him, playing with a large rabbit.

he cooed at the sight and watched as the rabbit went around his legs like a figure of eight.

jisung noticed chenle's presence, though, "please take over playing with this thing, it won't stop and it's too cute to say no to."

chenle giggled and walked over, keeping the painting behind him.

the animal came directly over to him and resumed it's figure of 8-ing.

"you'll have to play with me now, jisung.", he said with a smile.

jisung muttered something under his breath that the other didn't catch, "well, it's true you are cuter."

"what was that?"

"nothing, nothing. what's that?", he pointed towards the canvas.

"oh, you know when i said that i paint what i see in 20 questions?"


"and that you wanted to see one of my paintings?"


"well, i saw something that i wanted to paint so i did, and i wanted to show it to you as you'd like this most."

"go on, amaze me."

chenle showed the painting to jisung, and he really was amazed.

it was the best piece of art he's ever seen, and it was of him!

"oh my... how long did you spend on this?"

"12 hours."

he spent this long on something of him? it really warmed jisung's heart, and that is hard to do.

"this is... incredible, chenle. you are such a gifted painter. was this really how it looked from your angle? god, it looks epic."

"thank you so much, and yes, this is exactly how it looked. and i wanted to give it to you as a present."

"give it to me?"


"i mean, i would love to take it, it's incredible. but i can't. i have nowhere to put it and if someone sees it, they'll question me until i'm dead."

with the regular person, this would be an exaggeration. for jisung, it is not, and chenle knew that.

"well, i'll keep it somewhere in your honour. how are you?"

and the two began chatting away about anything and everything, except some things, which were still off-limits.

the rabbit had run off after realising it's doing little to nothing, and chenle was thankful he didn't have to think about where he was putting his feet.

this went on for a week or so, going out and meeting jisung, going on dates with yeji and painting until the sun went down.

the two boys got closer and closer throughout this time. they knew more and more about eachother each day, they felt more comfortable being alone together and they got along incredibly well.

they got along so well in fact that everytime jisung looked at chenle, he would get butterflies, for a reason he didn't quite understand yet.

and chenle would look forward to seeing jisung most out of everything in a day, and dreamt about the boy and what they were going to converse about the next day.

it wasn't going as well with yeji, though.

he hated every second of every moment he spent with her. every date, he seemed to have a higher percentage of time daydreaming about jisung as they went past.

she never seemed to notice.

chenle began painting more and more things he saw when he is out with the other boy, and he just realized,

why am i associating everything with jisung?



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