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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖞 - 𝖓𝖈𝖙 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒

jisung stared at the one commanding him with bewilderment, shock, and the greatest feeling of fear he's ever experienced.

without him telling them to, his feet started inching forward, taking small steps towards the small body on the floor.

he desperately tried to stop them, but the power his king had over him in that moment was too strong to repel.

a puppet.

he was just a puppet.

every step forward felt like he was dragging an immense weight from behind, which might be his desperation of cutting loose from these chains.

scenes flashed before his eyes.

what if he won't be able to stop the slash of his sword that will end the life of his lover?

it had already happened once with someone he is close to.

but this time it was so, so much worse.

tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he came upon chenle, who was now looking up at him painfully, yet hopefully.

jisung's hand grasped the end of his sword on his back, and without warning, unsheathed it and held it high above his head.

"that's it jisung, now do what you came here to do."

the voice behind him made him writhe in anger, which made the hand in the air twitch.


jisung noticed the twitch, and realised his emotions had been the strongest in that moment.

out of desperation, he stared down at the face he had tried to avoid, who was now looking at him with tears streaming down his face, a gentle smile, and softly sobbing.

jisung imagined that sword coming down on him.

he imagined the lifeless body on the floor that was from his hands' doing.

he imagined the happy times they could have in the future.

he imagined laying down with him under the stars of their home.

the sword wavered inbetween his hands, but did not move from its target.

"say goodbye, prince."

the blade started to fall.

chenle watched in slow motion as it came down on him, and felt only an overwhelming feeling of comfort.

he relived everything in that short second.

everything with jisung.

every kiss they shared, every hug they shared, every laugh they had together, every night they slept in eachother's embrace, every happy moment he's ever had.

he felt the happiest he possibly could have been in that moment.

jisung closed his own eyes to not witness it.

he imagined a life without his pri-


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