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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖈𝖞𝖇𝖊𝖗𝖕𝖚𝖓𝖐 - 𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖟

laying in his bed, chenle recalled the events of that night before he dozed off.

being able to sit down with jisung without being scared this time made him smile; they were warming up to eachother already.

remembering jisung's words about people never staying long enough to not be scared of him mad him feel deep sympathy for the other. he might be one of the only people or the only person that jisung has ever been able to get this close to.

seems a lot like chenle, right?

and then the somehow majestic sight of jisung weilding his sword, cloak flowing with the quick motion, creature bearing it's teeth, creating a scene that could be on a painting.

a painting? he saved that thought for later.

and once he was done thinking about how incredible jisung was, he shut his eyes and let sleep take over.


chenle's wake up call seemed more whackable than ever, yet whatever he threw seemed to be further and further away from the bird every day.

he got up and was about to slip a simple t-shirt and baggy trousers on, when his mother rapped on the door, and welcomed herself in.

"good morning chenle. put on some more formal wear today as yeji is visiting and you will be spending some time with her. you two will get along like a house on fire, trust me. i expect you in the hall within 20 minutes time."

his mother shut the door and scurried away.

"yOu TwO wIlL gEt aLonG liKe a HoUsE oN FirE, tRusT mE", chenle mocked, putting on a funny face.

he really didn't want to do this, but this unfortunately was his life. he didn't expect to ever marry someone that he wanted to out of his own free will, he knew his parents would take control over that.

besides, what opportunities does he have to meet anyone he might love?

he just... wasn't ready yet. he felt too young. how about his older brother? why not him?

sighing, chenle put on some formal wear and ended up dragging his feet towards the hall like he had weights tied to them.

sadly for him, he came to the hall after a couple minutes, and was met with his parents and yeji.

she was dressed in a black, fitted dress, showing off her incredible body.

maybe that was her aim, but chenle was not interested in the slightest.

he was more intrigued by the earrings she was wearing. most likely gold plated, and very intricate. when could he get a pair?

she also had elbow length black silk gloves and low black heels on; overall it was a very good look.

coming to a stop next to her, chenle looked at his parents who were preparing to speak, "we will be allowing you to take a walk around the gardens, but nowhere else is permitted. get to know eachother, you two will be the perfect couple."

"you hear that sweetie? the perfect couple! i agree that we will be.", yeji smiled brightly.

chenle almost threw up a little bit at the name, maybe because he wasn't into the lovey dovey scene, or that it just wasn't the right person.

"off you two go. the maid here will call you back in when yeji needs to return back home."

she linked her arm with chenle's and led the way like it was her own home. at this point she probably knew directions better than he did.

they made it outside and the prince was begging to the heavens for this to end quickly.

"so, what have you been up to lately?", yeji asked when they began to stroll down the path.

"i paint a lot, it's practically the only thing i do. i paint what i see all the time, i don't whip things out my head randomly. i'm not that creative to be honest. pretty much all i see is the view from my bedroom window of the kingdom, so that's what i paint."

"you've seen me now, could you paint one of me? for me?"

for god's sake.

"yeah if you want me to."

"YAYYYYY could you make me extra beautiful? add a beauty mark just here? make my eyes vibrant green? oh could you also make my waist teeny tiny?"

he wanted to crawl in a hole and perish.

"... i'll try."

another YAYYYY later, he was practically begging for that maid to just grip him and drag him inside.

obviously that wasn't going to happen, so for a full two hours, he had to listen to yeji ramble on about something he forgot the whole meaning of as she's been talking about it for 20 minutes, answer questions with a few words only to be thrown another 100 back, and thinking about jisung for 50% of it.

he really wasn't interested in this girl.

in fact, he didn't really like her at all.

she treated him as her pet already, ordering him what to do like painting her with false features, being forced to pretend to listen to what she was saying to not seem rude, and she even told him to pick her a flower that she was much closer to.

yeah, getting married to yeji wasn't in his best interests.

"prince chenle and princess yeji! come back in now!"

he had never heard such a welcoming voice since jisung's.

he found it funny that he was thinking about jisung on a date with his supposed fiancé.

heading back in, yeji's parents were there to pick her up, and he almost wanted to push her towards them.

blowing a kiss goodbye, she left the castle, and chenle felt like he had been violated. he did not breathe in for 10 seconds after that so he didn't inhale any of it.

"i hope it went well my boy", his mother started, "i told you, didn't i, that you two would get along!"

she acted as if she knew how the 'date' went, when in truth he hated every minute of it. except those minutes where he was daydreaming about jisung.

why was he daydreaming about him, anyways?

he smiled towards his mum and headed off back to his room, ready to sit in the corner of his room for the rest of eternity.

he instead sat at his easel, prepared a new canvas and started painting.

the sun began to go down by the time he was finished, and took his first good look at what he had created.

possibly the most graceful thing ever painted, he looked at it with awe.

no, it wasn't yeji. god forbid him painting her.

it was the scene from the previous night, of jisung pointing his sword towards the animal. it was just as good a scene as in sight, mind, and on a canvas.

proud, he waited for it to dry before deciding to show it to a specific someone.

(an. uhh

started school today

the new year 7's are so small and confused it's hilarious 😭

i just got a shed load of english revision resources love that

i also put my name down for further maths RIP

so yeah

whoever is reading this rn ily mwah)

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