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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖘𝖊𝖗 - 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖊

they came to that one tree after a few minutes of strolling, "i bet you everything that jaemin is sat there waiting."

"has he done that before?"

"yes. he just sits there waiting if i don't turn up. i tried to tell him he could do something better but he wasn't having any of it. prepare your ears."

chenle dragged jisung through the portal and, as chenle figured, jaemin was sat there playing with the blades of grass.


an ear-piercing screech made jisung cover his ears, as he witnessed jaemin launch towards the arm of the prince, giving it a great big hug.


"i can tell you did."

"what happened?"

"long story. to shorten it, i thought jisung was using me for information, but it turned out it was someone else. so yeah."

"you got that upset over jisung you didn't come here?"


"hold on. jisung you go over there and play with daegal or something, i have matters to tend to. JENOOOOOO! RENJUNNNN! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE RIGHT NOW."

"huh what do you want"

jeno and renjun appeared from in the long grass, and jisung walked off to daegal. he was surprised at how loud jaemin was eventhough he was so small.

jaemin whispered to renjun something that chenle couldn't hear, and renjun gasped.

"what is it?", chenle asked.

jaemin put his hand up to stop him talking, which offended him a little bit.

"okay okay", renjun muttered, before closing his eyes and putting his palms out infront of him.

after whispering a few cryptic words, he touched where chenle's heart was, and said a few things about jisung.

chenle had never been more confused. he knew renjun had some special powers, but he had never seen him perform any.

suddenly, in the hand renjun was holding out, popped a burgundy rose from the palm of his hand.

the three looked down at the flower, back up at chenle, and back down at the flower.

"we kind of expected that, didn't we?" jeno said.

"what's going on?"

renjun explained, "this represents the kind of relationship you have with jisung; i specialized it just for that. the kind of flower, a rose, means that you love him, in a very romantic way."

chenle looked deep in thought.

"taking it in?"

"i don't need to. i already know i love him."

"in a... friendship way?", jaemin seemed confused for some reason.

"no. not in a friendship way. the other... way."

renjun just laughed.

"why did you ask that? and why are you laughing?"

"im wondering the same", jeno said, and jaemin confirmed he was also confused.

"i was asking because the colour of the rose means something that didn't make sense to me until just now. i'm laughing because... let me just explain. the burgundy colour means that this love you have? you haven't realized it."

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