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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝕴 𝖈𝖆𝖓'𝖙 𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊 - 𝖌𝖜𝖘𝖓

chenle quite expectedly passed out from the pain after almost getting sown back together.

he only passed out, but jisung, being his lover, immediately understood it as death.

the trio spent the next 3 minutes or so shouting over jisung's sobs and pleads, trying to tell him that he wasn't actually dead.

jisung only believed them when he saw an eye creep open to his left, and without hesitation threw himself towards the small, weak body on the floor.

"never do that to me again", jisung murmured after crying hysterically for a good 30 seconds into chenle's shoulder.

"...you're heavy".

"i love you i love you i love you-"

chenle was victim to tens of pecks all over his face, and one long, loving kiss that he reciprocated.

pulling away, jisung beamed at his angel not actually being an angel yet.


jeno cleared his throat to show that the three were still there and having to watch the sappy love story before them.

"can someone please give me some credit?" renjun squeaked.

"what the fuck are you talking about?", jaemin turned harshly to the green fairy.

jisung had his attention taken away from the squabble at chenle calling him.

"hey, they're going to be on their way back to the kingdoms."

"what hic is your hic point?", jisung returned through light sniffles.

"we can't go back out there. or we can but we can't be seen- ouch!"

jaemin had absolutely verbally destroyed renjun, and had turned his attention to the wound, lathering it with some sort of cream.

"yes, it might sting. not as much as the sting from the slap that shortie gave me over there."

chenle glanced at renjun, who was being consoled by jeno.

"you are about a foot tall; have you not realised, jaemin?"

"do you want me to stop you from getting an infection?"


jisung giggled a little at the fast apology, and chenle got his attention again.

"please be as fast as you can."


"i will never see my friends again."

"you want me to do what exactly?"

"they will much prefer it in here than in that sweet shop. please bring them here", chenle pleaded.

"so you want me to go and save your friends?"

"i'm sure they'll like it here..."

jisung sighed.

"where would they be?"


"... and then you fly them two back here."

jisung pressed his temples harshly, trying to get the plan noted down in his head.

"what are you waiting for? the army is only going to get closer and closer to the kingdom!"

"alright, alright... i love you.", jisung bent down and gave a quick kiss to chenle.

"i love you too. please don't get hurt, there will still be guards there."

"trust me, i'll be okay."

and jisung sprinted back through the portal to the other world, landing softly on the ground.

"i guess it's showtime."

he spread his wings that protruded out of his back, ran, and took flight, bending around the dense trees.

angling himself upwards, he blasted out of the canopy of the forest, going high enough up to where he won't be seen.

jisung cruised towards the large kingdom infront of him, getting a bird's-eye view of the place chenle had been imprisoned within.

he looked about a mile to his left, and saw a huge wave of armoured people heading back towards their home.


diving down immediately, he kept his wings snugly to the side, and fell almost freely down into the boundaries of the castle.

he did not care if the army saw him; it would take them longer to get to the castle than it would take to talk chenle's friends into coming with him.

almost hitting the floor at terminal velocity, he extended his wings to give him a soft landing.

he dusted off his shoulders from the air that had whisked up the dirt from the floor, and found himself stood in the sights of 6 guards.

"so much for not being seen..."

and 6 swords were pointed directly at the foreign figure.

"look guys, i'm not here to hurt you."

"put the swords down now!"

the 6 swords hesitantly lowered, and jisung was confused as to where the voice came from.

his question was answered when a horse turned around the corner next to them, with a seemingly important soldier riding it.

"he is not a threat. not after what i just witnessed."

the man removed his helmet to reveal his identity, and jisung recognised the face from the battlefield.

"my name is sungho. i rode back here as fast as possible to report the incidents to the guards here; it's part of my job so they know what to expect."

"my name is park jisung, and you already know me. now i need to get on with something so i shall say goodbye now-"


jisung stopped himself from moving.

"is chenle okay?"

"he's alive. what does it matter to you?"

"chenle is a good kid. please continue to make him happy. that's all i wanted to say."

"...don't worry, i'll do my best."

jisung smiled, and turned himself around to start moving towards the sweet shop he was directed to.

instead of an empty street, he was met with a sword inches away, heading directly towards his chest.


(an. cliffhanger after cliffhanger <3








hey :D

ateez in like 24 days oh my god

breaking the FUCKING WALL

thank you to all who have waited a month for this chapter <3)

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