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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 - 𝖙𝖆𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖓

chenle settled back on his bed, legs shaky and palms sweaty, but he was okay.

he had never seen anything like it; well, that was a lie. he had seen something surreal, but not exactly that.

the family continued their day as normal. the king and queen wasting their lives away looking through paperwork and bathing in glory, the oldest son going back out on his mission and chenle went back and forth between staring out the window and painting what he could see.

he always had a passion for art, but his parents never payed much attention to his skill.

eventhough he was painting the same settings everyday - as that was all he ever saw - there was always something different between them.

whether that be the different arrangement of people or a bird in the sky, he never got bored of painting such similar things.

the difference today was major, as he incorporated his view of the kingdom earlier in the day into his work.

placing his several brushes down and staring at his masterpiece, he smiled, and wondered if anyone would ever pay attention.


another day, another slay. sorry, wrong atmosphere.

another day, another attempt at throwing something at the cockrel.

chenle swore that he would hit that thing one day and he sat up from his bed.

dazed, the prince threw on casual wear and crept over to the mirror, checking if any evidence from the previous night was still visible on him.

content, he opened his door and made his way to the dinner hall, expecting breakfast but instead getting stared at by people he didn't know.

"Oh, Chenle! I weren't expecting you this early.", his father exclaimed, exchanging a glance with a pretty woman in the room.

"Sit down my son, your breakfast will be on the way soon. However, we need to talk to you about something."

chenle awkwardly sat down, and the woman rushed to sit next to him, beaming her pearly white teeth at him.

chenle could appreciate how good looking this girl was. she was a similar age to him, a few years older possibly. her eyes were like a cat's and she reminded him of someone who works at the ice cream parlour, hyunjin.

maybe she was related?

the family and the strangers all sat down on the banquet table, generally looking into the two's direction.

"chenle, this is yeji. yeji, this is chenle. you two will be getting married in a few months time as we think you would be a perfect couple. yeji was incredibly excited to meet you and me and your mother expect you spend lots of time together!", his father explained.

oh, could this get any worse.

chenle's face fell. yes, she was pretty, but that doesn't tell him that she's a nice person, nor does that mean he would want to date her. he'd never even been in love before!

noticing the face, he was given a stern look by his mother, and he brightened up instantly.

"that was all we wanted to say. yeji will leave to her kingdom now as they have important things to deal with, but you will expect her to come back multiple times in the near future. say goodbye!"

chenle turned and waved at yeji, but was given a hug instead.

he was so uncomfortable.

yeji peeled herself away from chenle, "see you!", and skipped away in her bright red dress.

he mentally smashed everything on the damn table, and ate his breakfast without a word. and yet again, he wasn't paid attention to.

(an. the yeji in this story is not itzy's yeji 😍

i just chose a random name and that popped out <3)

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