32 -end-

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𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖑𝖞 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔: 𝖈𝖞𝖇𝖊𝖗𝖕𝖚𝖓𝖐 - 𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖟

jisung had to drag the three boys huddled on the floor onto their feet before starting their trek towards their new home.

the thought of chenle still being injured infiltrated jisung's head like a tsunami, and made him sprint walk.

he knew jaemin and jeno are able to take good care of him, but he still had to see for himself to be sure.

"slow down! our stride isn't as large as yours!" mark shouted through breaths as the others had to run.

"we're almost here anyways! i could have landed closer but i wanted to help you get your legs back in order.", jisung smiled, giggling at the sight of yangyang running and flailing all over the place.

"just trust me!" jisung shouted.


the four watched as jisung disappeared through the trunk of a tree, and none of them had any time to stop or even hesitate before falling through it themselves.

making a pile, they looked up to see a utopia.

"oh wow"

"oh wow"

"oh wow"


kun slapped yangyang for breaking the chain, and they rose to their feet, dusting themselves off.

"welcome", jisung started, "to our home."

he caught sight of chenle now propped up into a sitting position against a tree, and gestured at the new guests to follow him.

when they all spotted chenle, jisung's ears popped once again.


they all ran towards the weak body being tended to by jaemin, and jisung stood watching them bombarding him with questions and excitement.

renjun appeared next to jisung, "i don't think they've realised the nasty scar yet, have they?"

"somehow they haven't realised that they're a bit too loud for him at the moment."

chenle's lover stepped forward to part the four boys from the extremely pale and fatigued one they were huddling around on the floor.

he pointed towards the closed gash on the side of his belly, "i think you lot need to match his energy a little bit. kun, we really pissed them off."

"right, will he be okay?" kun asked.

"i'll be fine in no time," chenle chimed in, "i just need a little bit of rest, that's all."

"here, jisung", jaemin handed him something wrapped in leaves, "make sure that chenle puts this on his little problem everyday. knowing him he'll be reluctant to do so."

"tsk, i just prefer to sleep." chenle replied.

"thanks, jaemin. could you show them around? i'll carry chenle inside." jisung said.

"no problem! i love giving a little tour..."

jaemin spotted something over jisung's shoulder, and flew to his back to see a horrifying sight of tens of arrows buried into his body.

"my god!"


jaemin successfully pulled the last arrow out of jisung's back, and was now starting the tour he was supposed to start half an hour ago.

jisung and chenle were left alone after renjun and jeno had decided to go with jaemin and the new visitors.

"are you sure you're fine, lele? you look in a lot of discomfort."

"i'm okay, ji. as long as you're here i'm okay." chenle smiled.

jisung blushed at the sudden sappiness, and leaned forward to give him a quick kiss.

chenle pouted when he pulled away, "that's it?"

jisung laughed, "i thought you wanted to rest."

chenle blushed and hung his head.

"c'mon", jisung put one arm under the other's legs and the other under his back, "let's get you inside. besides, you're too sick for that right now."

chenle buried his head in jisung's neck as he got raised up and they started to move towards the cottage.

"how about when i get better?"

"when you get better? hmm, i don't think i would be able to resist."

the two giggled as they walked through the door of their little home, and it was shut behind them.

and now, chenle had everything that he wanted in life.

freedom, friendship, and most importantly...


-the end-


writing this was so fun :D

and i'm so glad that lots of you have enjoyed it and thank you for reading!!!

might upload a few special chapters if you want me to, so don't remove this off your library just yet 🙄🙄

and uh one of those special chapters might be what they were talking about at the end there 😁👍👍👍



okay so some new updates about life

the ateez concert was so fucking good

we were SO CLOSE they were right there

the video at the top is my recording of cyberpunk because i fucking died

and uh






i'm gonna see chenji irl.

and jaemin and jeno and renjun and haechan and mark HELPPPP

we're in the bottom corner of S9 towards the stage so they're literally gonna be RIGHT THERE

special chapter might not even be written because i'll be dead by then

so uh

once again, thank you to all who read this abomination


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