Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Cato and Clove

‘’Oh My God’’ Enobaria brought out. Everyone was choked . The crowd whispered loud and I didn’t last long before the crowd was one loud

Our trainers took us back to our rooms. They said they needed to discuss some things. After 2 hours they finally told us that the strategies we talked of before still last.

‘’Go to sleep. It’s already late and the games are tomorrow.’’

Cato and I didn’t say anything, we just walked to our rooms.

I didn't really felt tired. I only felt anger against Katniss and Peeta. They might be a risk in the arena. Cato stopped walking and paused. I wrapped my arms around me. ''Everything goes so quick, don't you think? It seemed yesterday that I found you at the lake.''

I nodded. I knew exactly what he meant. How did all of this happened? How did we become like this??

Cato hesitated and asked finally: ‘’Can we go for a few minutes to the roof? I’d like to see the Capitol for the last time.’’

The last time? I thought. This isn’t going to be your last time, Cato. But mine is.

He continued. ‘’I know we aren’t together any-‘’

‘’I’d like that’’ I said and I gave him a little smile and stepped to the roof.’’

Cato seemed to ignore the fact that we were going to the arena tomorrow. It gave me shivers, in the same time of anxiety and in the same time of joy, I finally could do where I was trained for and I could bring proud to my district. Anyway Cato talked about the regular things what I like the most in the center.

For those minutes we weren’t in the Capitol, the hunger games. It was just Cato and me.

We sat on the edge of the roof. Laughing. Cato became quiet and I know what he had on his stomach.

''I don't know if I ever could live again'' his voice full of sadness.

He grinned after a while. ‘’You will miss me when you are back home and you kicked everyone’s asses in the arena,44

I smiled. ‘’Of course, I will.’’

Cato his smiled faded away. ‘Before we go in the arena I just want you to say. That I’ll never love Glimmer and that everything I do in the arena is fake, okay? Clover?’’

I tried to smile and tried not to show how I was hurt.

‘’I know you don’t love me anymore, but…’’

I don’t know what was wrong with me but I said

‘’I do, Cato’’

His eyes lit up.

‘’But we can’t do this. Like I said one of us is going to die. I love you, Cato, but I can’t let myself more love you. The one who win of us won’t be able to live anymore. We can’t do that, Cato.

I could see his disappointed. ‘’I know, but…’’His eyes changed ‘’ never mind.’’

‘’I think we better go to sleep, it’s going to be a big big day tomorrow’’ I said in Claudisa’s capitol accent.

We walked together to our door rooms. It only seemed a few hours ago that he kissed me here.

‘’Good luck, with the games, Clover’’

I opened my door but before I could go in Cato gave me a long kiss on my forehead.

‘’Stay Brave’’ he whispered in my ear and then he disappeared in his room

The next morning Olympia stood in my room at 4 o’clock. The games would start 2 hours later, but I still needed to change cloths and eat a lot.

Olympia gave me my red T-shirt and my black pants. They fabric was thin but warm. I tried to figure out which arena it was. It could be anything with this fabric. The desert, water, wood, jungle…

Olympia said that the warm fabric probably was for the nights that were always cold. Olympia did my hair in a simple pony tails with bolls in it.  She smiled at me when I was  ready and took me to the breakfast table. There was a lot of food on the table. You could feed a whole army with this. 

Cato came a few minutes later in with the same matching outfit as me.

‘’You need to eat a lot; you might get nothing for a few days, and drink a lot. Hydration is the most death cause in the arena.’’

I ate 4 cupcakes, an energy drink,2 pancakes,……….

After the breakfast we went to the hovercraft. I barely could walk of all the things I ate. The hovercraft was on the roof waiting for us. The wind blew through my hair. Enobaria gave me a hug, and she saw my confusing look.

‘’What? ’She asked, I first thought she was sarcastic. But I could see that she really meant

‘’I thought you hated me?’’ I said.

‘’I do’’ she said with the duuuuuuh-face. ‘’But I’m your sponsor and I need you to win, so I can wish you good luck.’’

Olympia said that I needed to go in the hovercraft  Cato was already a few meters before me. The metal doors opened. Glimmer and Marvel looked up when we came in. I couls see that they were both stress.

After 15 minutes all the tributes were in the hovercraft.


The minutes passed away and the hovercraft made a loud noise and was going to land. The lights went out for a few seconds.

I looked up when I felt someone staring at me. I smiled when I saw it was Cato. I could see Glimmer glaring at him.

The peacekeepers led us to our room where we would go in the arena.

Olympia who took a different flight, was already there. She smiled weak and hand ma a red jacket. ‘’It’s warm again’’ she said.

‘’You are probably have cold nights, like I already said, otherwise they wouldn’t give you a thin t-shirt for the days’’

Olympia ordered my hair again.

’30 seconds’’ a voice echoed.

‘’Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor’’ I grinned.

Olympia her tattoo was visible. Lonuia.

‘’What is Lonuia?’’I asked.

She looked up and without showing emotions she said: ‘’She was my daughter. The capitol killed her.’’

My mouth dropped.

‘’15 seconds’’

She pushed me to my metal plate that would bring me in the arena.

‘’Winning isn’t always a price’’

‘’5 seconds’’

I stared at Olympia, not understanding her words. Why wouldn’t it be a price. You get money, a house in the victors village.

My plate stared raised and the last thing I saw was Olympia raising her tree fingers and bringing them to her lips.

The last thing I know was a bright light and then green flashes through it.

Let the games begin.


Sorry I didn't upload last week. I was reading a lot of books so.....

The games are finally begon.Yay

And i'm so sorry that I didn't bring them together. I first wrote another version were they kiss, but I changed it because just.............

I hope you like it anyway ;))))))) And wha do you think about the daughter of Olympia? I just want to give her something personal





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