Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Cato and Clove

Cato stiffened next to me. He didn’t say anything for an hour and I didn’t try to talk to him either because he only replied with ‘’yes’’ or ‘’no’’, so I stopped trying.

It must have been already midnight, because my eyes felt heavy.

‘’We’re gonna kill her soon’’ I muttered, lying with my head on his chest. Listening to the beats of his heart like it was a song to sleep.

‘’I know’’ he pressed a kiss on my forehead.


I woke a few hours later of the sound of the Capitol song. I looked at Cato, with a questioning look.

‘’From now of on, will not one winner , but 2 winners be crowned as victor of the 74th hunger games, if they are from the same district’’

I tried to progress what I just heard.

2 winners. Cato and Me.

Same district. Cato and me.

I held an hand for my mouth, smiling. I heard Cato laughing, I never saw him so happy.

‘’We’re gonna win’’ he smiled

‘’We’re gonna win’’ I repeated.

Cato hugged me. I’m pretty sure I was on the edge of fainting because I couldn’t get air.

‘’If you don’t let me go for right now. I don’t think there’s a ‘we’’’

He kissed my lips soft. ‘’I’ll protect you’’

‘’I don’t know if you noticed, but I think I’m  the one who has to protect you, big boy’’

‘’You bet’’

I rolled so that I sat upon him. My knife touched his neck. He grinned.

He threw me off him, his strength in his advantage, so that he sat on me. ‘’I don’t think so’’

He kissed me again soft and slow.

‘’We should go sleeping’’ he said after a while.

‘’I’ll take the watch now’’

It was a long night. Everyone in the arena had heard the message  by now. Who was still left?

Thresh and Foxface, but they weren’t from the same district. I didn’t know much of Foxface but she was clever.

The district 12 lovers obviously. I underestimated Katniss before, but she couldn’t be a big problem. She wasn’t a career after all.

There were 6 Of us left The finale would come soon .


It  was a sunny day in the morning. Cato woke up when a mockinjay started singing a song I heard yesterday. I smiled when he woke up. He gazed at me and wiped his eyes out. He was in a good humor, though Katniss was still alive.

He held my hand when we walked towards the lake, we filled our drink bottles.

‘’Hey Clove’’ He whispered.

Startled, I looked up. I saw his grin right before water splashed all over me.

I screamed of the coldness of the water. I glared at him and ran after him, my drink bottle in my hand.

Cato was stronger than me but I was swifter than him. I tackled him and he fell moaning.

My water landed on his face. He wiped me from the ground with his foot. I fell moaning next to him.

I started laughing.

‘’What?’’ a smile crept on his lips.

‘’I never thought I would feel me happier in an arena than at home’’

He didn’t look at me.

‘’We are free in a way here,’ He said after a few seconds.

District 2 is a prison. I finished in my head. District 2 didn’t feel like a home anymore. It was a stranger for me.


We got a present from the sponsors around noon. Chicken with a sauce and bread.  The food was delicious. We didn’t speak when we ate, but it was a pleasant silence.

‘’Attention, attention’’ said a capitol voice. I turned my ear towards the voice. Another message?

‘’There will be a feast tomorrow at the cornucopia. Some of you ..’’ He paused ‘’ need things to survive. There will be 4 backpacks at the feast, one for each district. Come and live’’.

My mind raced. What did we need to survive? We had food, weapons,…

Maybe he didn’t meant us? Who needed something to survive?

 Peeta was hurt. I was surprised he wasn’t already dead. Secretly I was happy for him. In a normal life I would be friends with him, I though. I smiled because that was ridiculous. This were the games, not some teenage series.

‘’They want eliminate a few of us’’ Cato started.

We started to discuss a plan. I would go first, and he would be my back-up and my protection.

‘’I protect you, right?’’ He added.

We moved our camp, close to the cornucopia, hidden in the bushes.

We fell asleep. I laid in his arms. He held me tighter than yesterday.

Maybe he was scared? This could be our last day, last few hours, before we could be get parted due dead. I shook the thought of me. This was where I trained for, my whole life.

I would go home.

I would see my brother and live with Cato until we grew old.

We could be happy, safe and sound.

Little did I know that things would happen different than I hoped.

 HERE IS CHAPTER 25!!! I posted it earlier ;)))

I really loved to write this again, its short but ill update in a few days again.

I hope you like it.

I hope I didn't change from writing-style bc its been so long since my last update


Its something in Belgium where you can buy so many good books really really cheap!! Im so es$xcited!

Ill post what I bought in my next authors note ;))

Okay back to the fanfic

You know whats gonna happen next chaptr









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