Chapter 4

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Cato and Clove:

Forever Stay With Me – chapter 4

No. I thought. There is no chance that he is reaped. His name was only one time in the bowl. This wasn’t supposed to happen! I would go alone to the arena. I never thought that there was a chance that I would go with my brother to the hunger games. Not fight to death with him. Do I have to kill him? No , I won’t let that happen. I will die for him and protect him until the end. Until the moment that I have to kill myself, like my mother.

Travis walked to the stage. I tried to look emotionless, but it was hard.  Weakness is the biggest fault of a career. Weakness  means the death of a career. I remembered that there was once a career that died because she didn’t want to kill the little girl from 5. Her allies killed her and in 5 seconds she died. Just like that. No one cared, in district 2 about her death. But we were mad at her. Her family didn’t even care for her.

I stared back to my brother. Maybe someone was still going to volunteer? I looked in the crowd and waited for a voice. A voice that would save me from this hell. But the only thing that I heard was silence and the heavy breath of Travis.

My little brother was near the stage now. ‘Come on, boy. We don’t have much time !The capitol is waiting’ Claudisa said. I wanted to run to him so badly and say that everything was going to be okay. I saw Cato stared at us with an open mouth. I turned my face back to Travis. ‘Well, shake hands, you two.’

I shook Travis’ hand who was so little and wet of the sweat. I hugged Travis quick. He cried loud. ‘Shhhhhht’ I went with my fingers through his hair. Only one of us will come back, I thought. Only one.

‘Our first brother and sister that will fight to death in the arena!!Who isn’t exited!!’ Claudisa was so happy. She was like a little kid that was eating an ice-cream in the summer.

Claudisa started to say the last sentence of every year: The tributes of the 74thannu……

‘I VOLUNTEER!’ I heard a loud voice screaming. I looked at the crowd. Where did it came from? I was obviously a boy. Then I saw a boy move in the crowd. He was big for his age. His hair looked like the shines of the sun and when he looked to me I could see his blue eyes, like the sea. There was no doubt. It was Cato.

I froze.

The peacekeepers pulled Travis away from the stage. ‘Go, Travis’ I whispered.

Oh, I guess we have a volunteer! How lovely!!!,Come here!’’ What a pretty boy’’

A few girls in the crowd giggled and start talking to their friends.

Cato looked vicious. I could see a weak smile when he shook my hand.

‘The Real Tributes who will fight in the 74th annual hunger games! Give them a big applause!’’

The whole crowd clapped hard. I forced myself to look proud. But who could I be proud when the capitol took everything what I have away. Why don’t they realize how they break us?

Why doesn’t the Capitol realize that they ruin everything for us?

Why don’t they realize that we will never be the same again?

That we never can have a normal live? And live without fear, fear to live, fear to trust.


The peacekeepers led us in the justice building. Cato and I were in different rooms. So that our family and friends could see us before we won or for the last time. In the other  districts the room is a farewell. The parents see their children for the last time.

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