Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Cato and Clove

We woke up in the morning. There was nothing to see yet at the cornucopia. I lay down, my chest against Cato’s for  four hours. Nothing happened.

‘’When will it start?’’ I asked Cato who was eating one of the last pieces of chicken.

‘’I don’t know. It can’t be long, maybe they are waiting until all the tributes are here.’’

I nodded. ‘’Probably.’’

Cato kissed me during the waiting but I slapped him away and glared at him but I couldn’t stop smiling.

‘’Stop, we’ll miss it’’

He laughed with an amusing look in his face. ‘’Okay’’ and he kissed me once again.

10 minutes later a sort of table appeared out of the ground. There were 4 backpacks, numbered with white numbers.

2, 5, 11, 12

My eyes fixed on the the 2-backpack. Suddenly a girl with red hair appeared out of the cornucopia and grabbed the backpack with number 5 on it. Foxface. She was fast. Really fast.

‘’Go after her!’’ I said

‘’I’ll be alright. Just go.’’ I gave a fast quick and he ran after foxface while I started running toward the cornucopia where our backpack was.

I held my knife in my hand, ready for the fight. Thresh and Katniss were still somewhere here.

Katniss came in my vision when I was almost at the table. She didn’t notice me yet. My knife flew toward her. I missed its target and made a huge cut on her forehead. Blood poured out of it.

She looked startled at me and shot an arrow at me. I could tell that it was supposed to land in my heart, but I dodged it.

The arrow hit my right arm. I let out a groan of anger and inspected the wound quickly. It wasn’t that bad. I held the knife in my other hand. I was lucky they taught me both hands for throwing knives in the training center of district 2.

Katniss  grabbed her backpack but I threw me on her. She fell hard. I landed on the top of her. She tried to hit me with my fists, but she didn’t touch me. We rolled for a few minutes. Katniss was strong but she didn’t know how to fight.  I overpowered in a few minutes. My knife on her throat. She tried to escape but I held her in a deathly grip. If she would move , the knife would cut her throat. I laughed.

I could resist the urge to kill her right away. It was her fault Rue died. Shé was with her when she was killed. She could have saved her. If it was my brother instead of Rue , she would let him die too.

I knew how to make her miserably. She cared about Rue, but she still couldn’t rescue her. What kind of ally was she? She wouldn’t even safe Peeta. There was no doubt what in her backpack was. A medicine for Peeta.

Peeta who sacrificed himself for her. Everyone died around her. All her fault. Now it was her time to die.

‘’Where’s loverboy?’’

She glared at me and tried again to get away from me.

‘’Oh I see, you were going to help him right? Well that’s sweet’’

‘’It’s too bad you couldn’t help your little friend, the little girl,’’ I continued ‘’What was her name again?’’

She started screaming

‘’Rue?’’ I asked sweetly, though I knew her name very well.

She spit in my face. I got so mad

she had to die.

(ignore this, I cant get it away! Im sorry)

‘’Yeah we killed her and Now we’re gonna kill you’’

I pressed the knife tighter against her throat, just when I wanted to slit her throat someone grabbed me at the back.

 He threw me against the cornucopia  and grabbed my throat so that I couldn’t escape. 

‘’What did you say? Yeah I heard you. Did you kill her? Did you kill Rue?’

I shook my head so fast. ‘’No, No…. it wasn’t me’’

He didn’t believe me. Why would he? I was a carreer.

‘Cato!’ I screamed. I saw the big stone in Thresh’ hand. ‘Clove!!!’ I heard Cato scream.

I knew that he couldn’t save me anymore. He was too far. ’Cato! Cato!‘ I screamed. Thresh hit my skull with the stone. I fell on the ground. I heard Cato scream desperate. I knew that he saw me on the ground. I heard Thresh say something to Katniss. ’Run, girl on fire!’ Cato his voice sounded closer. ’Clove.’ he screamed. Thresh ran away with his and our backpack.

Cato bended down and dropped his spear. I didn’t feel anything of pain, only Cato’s tears who fell on my face. This was the first time I saw Cato cry. ‘This wasn’t supposed to happen! We supposed to win this together!’ He screamed. I look at him. His face was sad and so vulnerable.

‘Don’t leave, Clove. Don’t leave. You need to stay with me’ He cried.

‘Cato…’I said weakly, my eyes were heavy. ‘I … I can’t. You …need’, my voice was shaking, ’to win, for me’

It hurt. I felt the pain stream through me like an acid.

‘Clove….’,he said, and his tears flew over his face. I stretched my hand and sweep the tears of his face. Just like he did. ‘Maybe we still can win together. I will kill the others immediately and …’ he said. I shook my head.

‘Win …’ I said weakly.

‘I don’t want to win without you. You are the only one I love. Please Clove. Stay with me.’ He said, crying. He hugged me tightly.

I wanted to say that I will try to stay for him. But I knew I couldn’t. ’I love you, clove’ he said, his eyes filled with tears. ‘I….love… you to, Cato.’ I said. He kissed my lips gently.

My vision got hazy. I knew that I was almost gone. I reached for my medallion. I took it off and gave it to him. ‘Please…, don’t forget me…. when you are… home.’ I said in a whisper.

 ‘I will never forget you, Clove. Never. You are my world.’ My eyes were so heavy. My eyes closed. And in a second I saw flashes off my live. The seven year old Cato at the lake. His laugh and the moments when he held me tightly during my life.

I knew I was going to die soon. So I tried to open my eyes to say this last words to him. So Cato would never forget it.

‘I love…you.’

‘Love you to’ he muttered quielyt. His voice broke. ‘’I love you, I love you , I love you, I love you’’ he kept saying. Trying to keep me with him by saying the words.

Then I saw my mother in my bedroom when I was six and she kissed my forehead and she whispered: ’Goodnight, Clove.’

My breath went slower and then I heard my canon. The last thing I saw was Cato’s face while he whispered ’’I love you’’. Then he disappears and everything went black


This isn't the last chapter ;))) There will be one or two more be posted after this ;-)

Next upload will be next Sunday I think

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