Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Cato and Clove

Henry was trying to program the bombs and we were huntig again. It was already past noon when I smelled something, burnt.

''Do you smell that? '' I asked to the others.

The others stopped walking and looked around.

''It smells like....'' Marvel began.

''RUN!!!' Cato yelled at all of us.

 We start running a fast as we could. What's hapenning? I thought to myself. The headmakers were doing something.  But what? I guess we figure it out. In a few minutes every tree, surroundings was on fire. There only was one way out.

Cato grabbed my hand swiftlyy. And we both run. The smoke was already in my longue. I coughed harsh and Cato looked up at me worriedly.

''Are you okay?'' he stopped for a second. The fire around us was less but still dangerous.

''Where are the others?'' I asked, my voice was almost a whisper.  avoiding the subject. My longues were bad since my father beated me until I had a bleeding in my longue. I spent 4 weeks in the hospital for it. I didn't stop from training and I never had problems with it after it healed until now. I couldn't breath. It felt like something was strangling me. I tried to catch breath, but there was no oxygen. My coughs got harder and louder.

''Clove?'' cato said ''What's wrong?''

I looked up at him. My vision was already a blur. There were black points in it.

''Can't . breath'' I brought out. The last thing I remember before everything blacked out was Cato screaming my name while dragging me out of the fire.

''Clove?'' I heard someone call for me. I tried to blink my eyes. But everything was so black. I laid stil for a moment trying to remember.

The wood, it was on fire .

''Clove. Shine and rise!'' Cato called out. My eyes were stil heavy. Was it because my body didn't get enough oxygen that some parts didn't work properly?

''Oooooh Cloverbells???'' in a rush my eyes opened and my whole body protested  when I sat up. I caughed my breath a few times.

''Don't call me that '' I said with a weak smike. Cato grinned. I looked around. I was lying against the tree. Cato grinned. I looked around. I was lying against the tree. Cato sat next to me.

''How long did I pass out?''

''Only a few minutes. I carried you out the fire. We're safe now. The others are still gone though.''

''My hero.'' I said sarcastic.

 ''I will save you always ma'am'' he said playful.

''I bet you do''

 Cato's eyes met mine. He laid is hand on my cheek. After what seemed like only a few seconds but what could be minutes he wiped away his hands of my cheek.

 ''You are all dirty from the smoke.'' he explained.

He helped me stand up, still smiling.  We both agreed that the otherd probably were going back to the cornucopia.

''Why did they set fire to the arena ?'' I asked him.

He walked with big steps. '' I don't know but there must be a reason for it. They didn't try to kill us, I guess. At least not all of us. Maybe it was supposed to lead us to somethig or someone.''

Well it kind of made sense.  ButI don't really wanted to ask him that.''And probably t was some....'' he went on but I stopped him.

''Why did you save me, Cato? We….we are each others opponents. We supposed to kill each other.'' I said nervous.

''Clove. I could never do something. Or hurt you and I would never let anyone even take a hair of year head.'' he whispered , aware of the cameras and microphones. 

''I ca-'' he wanted to say but a high loud scream inturrupted him.

''There you are, bastards. We thought you were barbecued.'' Maverl smiled up at us.

 Glimmer and Peeta stood behind them. Glimmer looked bored as always, and Peeta was red, of the running.

 Cato laughed. ''Too bad huuh?''

I inspected my jacket, that wasn't even a jacet anymore. It was full of holes where the fire burnt the fabric. I only had a few scratches of running thorugh the branches.

I smiled after watchin Marvel and Cato , I never noticed but Marvel and Cato acted like brothers maybe because Cato never had a brother or sister.

Though, the whole wood was on fire there were nowhere things you could see that it was.

After a few minutes we noticed that the wood dissapeared and thatwe come to a water aria with rocks and stones.

Marvel narrowed his eyes. I looked where he was looking at. At the the end of the wood was a little lake were a tribute was.



One day too late!!!!Sorry!!!! I don't really have to say much of this chapter ;)




smile ;))

ps: Do you watch supernatural? I just started waching it and i'm so addicted, Sam and Dean are so cute together ;-))))))))))

okay byeee

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