His Bravery Chap.10

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after the Lotus ball, Cyno had Invited you out to the city again and you accepted, he said It was a good thing to be out of the palace once In a while, as well as get to better know the people of Sumeru Kingdom, In which you agreed to that and when you were younger you did sometimes think, what If you were just an ordinary girl Instead of a Princess, upon telling Cyno this he said you'd probably still be you, a kind woman with a caring heart who had a beautiful view on life, In which that made you blush, while in the City you decided to stop by the food stalls again

you went to one of the one's you didn't get to before, and upon coming the owners marveled

"Oh your highness! Please, let me know what you'd like" said the owner

you smiled with a nod, "Thank you, I've never been here before, perhaps you could tell what dishes you have"

she smiled, "Oh yes, It would be an honor Princess, we prepare Pita Pockets, Tandoori Roast chicken, Biryani, Lambad fish roll, and for Dessert a Coconut Charcoal cake"

you nodded, "Oh I see, then....I'd like to try the Pita pocket please"

she then looked to Cyno, "alright, and for the General?"

"Coconut Charcoal cake"

she smiled, "Very well I'll have those ready for you,"

while you waited for the food you started telling a story from the past, about the times when you and Candace grew up together, whether it was playing games together or her catching you In her dresses, you were always close and supported each other

Cyno nodded, "I see, seeing your close sisterhood with the High princess, sometimes It makes me even wish I had a brother or sister"

"Oh, I'm sorry General I didn't mean t-"

Cyno smiled a little, "It's alright, you didn't do anything wrong anyway and besides I can be nice to hear other childhoods, If happy"

you smiled with a nod, "I agree"

the stall keeper soon returned, and she handed you the Pita pocket which was wrapped in an almost thin like paper, you unwrapped It as you looked at It, It was In the shape of a pocket with some fillings inside so you took a bite, It was warm from the lamb meat inside, and It had crunch from the greens and tomatoes Inside, you thought it was very tasty 

"This is delicious Madam" you said 

"I'm honored you think so your highness"

she then gave Cyno his Coconut Charcoal cake, and he looked at the blackened piece of cake before taking a bite, and to his surprise It was mildly sweet with a slight smokey flavor, Cyno wasn't the biggest fan of sweets so this was just right to him, and he enjoyed It 

you then took out your sachet of Mora, paying for the snacks with the allotted amount before you and Cyno started walking, this time It was just you and Cyno out without any guards, because you convinced your parents that everything would be fine as Cyno was there 

you took another bite of your Pita Pocket, "I don't know how I never tried these before"

Cyno had already finished his Coconut Charcoal cake, he really liked it and would probably eat It again one day, he had wanted to offer some to you, but he was afraid that it was too bold especially since you weren't yet married, and speaking of that Cyno wanted to tell you everything before you got married, and by everything he meant to tell you of his love for you but It was a delicate subject right now, though you didn't seem like that type he was afraid it would displease you In some way, after all he'd loved you for a longtime now since you were children

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now