A Mother's Care Chap.30

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as the days went you got better bit by bit but your heart was still In two, you appreciated the care from your parents and sister, Candace tried to cheer you up same with Collei and Tighnari who visited you more often but It only helped a little bit, despite the pain you felt inside you told yourself to push on for Cyno and for your soon coming child though It was hard, you were outside of the palace as you sat on the front stairs, peering out into the distance as this was something you did often now and the royal doctor told your parents It was your way of trying to cope, you did find some peace within Lesser Lord Kusanali as you often visited the temple too but deep down In your heart you sometimes wished to ask her why, 

Maharet came outside to check on you, she quietly came to your side "Princess? my lady"

you looked to her, "hm?"

"are you alright?"

you let out a breath and nodded In response, she then sat down next to you 

"Princess, it's been a few days since then and you come here almost every day, I wish to ask what're you looking for?"

you looked back into the distance, "even I don't know myself"

you then closed your eyes, "maybe I'm hoping that I can see him returning"

Maharet gave a sad sigh, "you know that isn't possible"

you took In a breath and stood up, starting back into the palace as you walked along by yourself with Maharet soon coming to follow you, but then one of the other servants came

"Princess, Her Majesty is asking for you"

you nodded, "alright"

you dismissed Maharet to go as you followed him to see that your mother was outside In the gardens, tossing some bird seed onto the ground as a few birds were gathered

she turned, "(Y/n)"

you walked over, "you wanted to see me Mother"

Queen Devika walked around and over to you, and she then hugged you In which you started hugging her back as she patted your head lightly "how are you dear"

you sighed, "I'm alright"

she gave you a squeeze, "I know It's hard right now, and things will be going forward too but please know that I and your father are always here for you"

you nodded, just as you started tearing up "I know"

she then parted from you as she led you to come sit down at the fountain, 

your mother sighed, "would you like to know something, It was here that I first met your father...I was the daughter of a noble man and was betrothed to your father as you know, we didn't have the best start but we soon grew to love each other...and we were happy but then our happiness grew when we found out I was expecting Candace, and then three years later I gave birth to you"

you smiled a little, "Cyno and I met here too..."

but then you looked down, "I've been thinking these days...will I be able to be the mother that my baby needs"

your mother rubbed your shoulder, "Of course you will, you'll be a wonderful mother but don't forget I'll be here to help you when you need It, after all I raised Candace and you"

you touched your stomach, "I'm happy that I'm pregnant...but I wish that-"

"Cyno was here, I know my child" she said

you hugged your mother, "I still don't want to believe that he's gone...."

she rubbed your back, "I feel awful for you and the baby...Cyno was a great man who gave his life to keep everyone safe"

you looked up, "sometimes I feel like a fortress that's being breached, I've been coming to terms with what's happened but...Cyno was and will forever be my love"

Queen Devika nodded, she then parted from you a little to wipe the tear from your cheek 

"I know, and his love for you was great as well...but now that he's gone you must be strong for yourself and for your child"

you took in a deep breath, "I will...and I'll raise our child well"

Queen Devika brought you into a hug once more, rubbing your back as you started to cry silently into her shoulder just as she looked up to the clouds that drifted in the sky.

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now