In the Night Chap.40

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Two Months later....

It was in the evening and the sun was starting to set, you'd just gotten done feeding the twins and left them In the nursery with Nisha looking after them while you had dinner, you joined up with your husband before you went to the dining room together, walking hand In hand 

"are you feeling alright?" asked Cyno 

you smiled, "yes don't worry, In terms of my postpartum recovery I'm alright"

 "that's good though last month you were sick for a while"

you nodded, " birth to the twins took a lot out of me, but I don't regret a thing"

you gave his hand a squeeze and he squeezed yours back, Cyno smiled, "Yeah"

you soon came to the dining room, going to your usual seats as Cyno pushed your chair in for you as you sat down before he went to his own seat, as the Estate's chef presented dinner for tonight and It was a meal of Samosa for the appetizer and Sabz Meat stew for the main

"Please enjoy"

you and Cyno gave thanks to Lesser Lord Kusanali before you started eating, all the while you listened to Cyno talk about his recent meeting with your father

"Father In Law is worried, so It's up to me to ease his worry about the Kingdom of Snezhanaya's allies"

you nodded, "I see...none of the other Kingdoms have dared to side with them, well except for the kingdom of Fontaine"

"Which is why I've been sending my own subordinates to spy and see If they're plotting I've even thought to go crush their strongholds myself

you had another spoonful of your stew, "you must be careful though"

"I know, don't worry my love...I won't be leaving Sumeru again anytime soon, after all you're here and so are our twins I can't just leave you now"

he finished the rest of his Samosa, then getting a spoonful of the stew In his bowl as he blew on It before he change the subjects to something much lighter 

"the children have grown a lot haven't they?"

you smiled, "yes, It's weird to think they were so small only two months ago"

Cyno chuckled, "and that Chakir...he won't stop pulling my hair even If I tie It back"

you giggled, "Yes, oh by the way Nilou told me that she's finally engaged"

"Really? Congratulations to her who Is it"

you started thinking, "I believe she said his name was Aether, he comes from another nation though"

you didn't mind your chewing as you almost choked on a piece of beef, but you patted your chest as you coughed to clear It up which made Cyno look up In worry 

"Love are you alright?"

you took in a breath as you swallowed, "I'm alright...I nearly choked"

you sipped some water from your cup as you cleared your throat again, and after that you were careful as you ate so It wouldn't happen again for the rest of the meal, Nisha came to tell you that the twins were still soundly asleep which gave you relief that they were alright but still you went to go check on them one last time before bed

you went to their Nursery, kneeling in front of the cradle as you looked at them while they slept soundly, you gently pressed a kiss atop their foreheads before rising onto your feet as you quietly left. Once back in the bedroom Maharet helped you change for bed into your night attire while you waited for Cyno, and when he came Maharet bid you both goodnight 

Cyno sat on the bed, "the day was long though for some reason It felt longer today"

you smiled and hugged your knees, "I understand what you mean"

Cyno scooted closer to you before you shared a goodnight kiss, laying down before he brought the blanket to cover yourselves as you cuddled up together, and you relaxed at his touch as you felt him run his fingers lightly through your hair as you started falling asleep and he soon too gave into his tiredness. A few hours passed since then but then In the middle of the night you heard the crying of the twins coming from down the hall

Cyno took In a breath, "do you want me to check on them?"

you patted his chest, "no It's fine, I'll go"

you sat up in bed as you woke yourself up more, before you left the bedroom to go check on the twins when all of a sudden you heard glass shatter, and It made you start running there In worry 

you ran as fast as you could to the nursery, and upon arriving you gasped at the sight of a strange people who held the babies In their arms as they cried 

"Who are you!? let my children go!"

you rushed over as you tried to get Ahmanet and Chakir from them, pulling and even hitting them but you next thing you felt was someone hit the pressure point on your neck, which made you start to collapse but someone with black hair wearing glasses caught you 

"My, My she's a pretty thing...Pity though she's already married, It's disgraceful that Ajax Intends to make her his Mistress"

"Prince Pantalone, We've got the children and princess we must leave quickly"

back in the bedroom Cyno felt an uneasiness, he felt his power surge as he then opened his eyes which glowed a little as he rushed out of the bedroom having a gut feeling, but upon bursting into the nursery he saw the broken window with you and the children gone

Cyno's eyes widened before he ran out the room, yelling for Maharet and Nisha in which they were shocked to hear you'd vanished, he then went to the guards 

"Did anyone get In and out! Answer me right now!"

the guards were In a drunken stupor and Cyno guessed they'd been drugged, he then started searching around the Estate for anything like footprints and he'd found some, In which he took his polearm with him as he started away from the Mansion as he followed the prints running through the city as he followed them where he could, Nisha and Maharet had fallen behind long ago as they couldn't keep up with his speed but they knew he was frantic right now

Cyno realized the three of you had been abducted but he didn't by who or where you were taken, but then all of sudden he saw myserious people one of which held you in his arms and Cyno rushed over, calling upon his powers as he swung his polearm at the man

"Goodness I didn't expect you to follow up so soon, you really do live up to your name"

Cyno narrowed his eyes, "Release them...Now"

"Scary but we've come per my brother's wishes, all I can say is he's going to get even with you"

Cyno lunged towards him but he was struck from behind, and he saw his vision blur as he watched you being hauled away, he reached out to you but soon he blacked out.

So is our love Everlasting, Cyno X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now