Doctor's Visit Chap.28

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After that day you'd come down with a fever and were ill, not to mention your lack of appetite which added to your feeling weaker than before, your parents were worried about you a lot so they summoned the royal doctor to come and visit you, he was very trusted since he'd long served the royal family of Sumeru ever since the time of your great grandfather

upon his arrival to the palace Maharet showed him to your bedroom, where you lied in bed gazing out of the window like you did for the last day In a half, Nisha asked Maharet what you were looking for and she guessed a sign of Cyno's spirit or perhaps him returning, but no matter how much you kept the hope It in your head you knew he wasn't ever coming back 

you were brought out of your daze just as you heard someone come Into your room, and you looked to see Maharet along with the family doctor, he walked over to your bedside

he bowed, "Princess, I am deeply sorry for your loss"

"Thank you Doctor, I'm sorry to trouble you today"

he shook his head, "Not at all, this is my duty"

you slowly sat up in bed, and he came to check your heartbeat along with other usual things, 

"everything seems fine, but I I've heard you haven't eaten for the past few hours"

you gave a slight nod, and he sighed "Princess you musn't starve yourself so, I know you are deep In your grief right now but please take It a day at a time, and take care of yourself"

he then put away his tool, "you're also ill with a fever, you must take In some food as well, I will put together a prescription for you to take regularly"

just then your mother came into the room, and the doctor started standing up

"Your Majesty"

Queen Devika came to your side, sitting on the bed "how is she doctor"

"She is dealing with grief, as well as sickness so she has to be careful about the good of her health and mentality but not just that...there's something else I must report"

you looked to him, "is there something else wrong with me...after all that's happened I can handle anything..."

the doctor gave a small smile, "I congratulate you your highness, you are expecting a baby and It's about two months at this point"

you felt everything freeze, and your mother looked to you with a smile coming to her face 

"Doctor is It true?" she asked

he bowed, "Yes your Majesty"

Queen Devika hugged you close, as she started tearing up while praising Lesser Lord Kusanali 

Maharet covered her mouth In shock, she then bowed low "Congratulations my lady!"

you still sat there with Immense shock at what you'd just heard, but then It slowly but surely started registering In your mind and so you looked up to the ceiling, as tears started streaming down your cheeks before you held your hands over your stomach as you started crying, you felt many emotions right now but In your heart you felt terrible for your child since they'd have to grow up without their father and that was the most heartbreaking, but also you now felt a new found motivation to get better and push forward no matter how much you didn't want to

you wiped your cheeks, "Doctor...will the medicine be safe for the baby"

"yes, I will ensure so"

you took in a deep breath, "alright...then please guide me In what I must do going forward...Maharet will you make me some porridge"

Maharet started to smile, "of course"

your mother rubbed your shoulder's "you're eating?"

you nodded as another tear rolled down your cheek, "I must...this child is mine and Cyno's...he's gone now but our child is coming and I'll do my best for them so that Cyno can rest easy..."

you touched your stomach, *Cyno...I promise I'll raise our child well... I hope you'll always know how much I love you my hero...I miss you so much and I need you now more than ever, but I'll be strong for our child from now on...*.

Hello everyone, I hope you're enjoying the story so far but I just wanted to come and say, to those who don't like the idea of there being a child in fanfics I'm not calling out anyone but sorry I wanted to add something more to this story, and some of my other fics do Involve pregnancy but not all of them do and I do mostly use Fem Pronouns as those are what I use In which case are what I'm most comfortable with writing with and I In no way have anything against the usage of other Pronouns I Apologize


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