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Laughter, chatter and the occassional silent glare sent across each others' way descended upon the wedding hall which had been decorated lavishly, as grand as it could possibly be for the wedding between two of the most powerful crime families in South Korea.

Nabi had tensed when her husband took her hand for their first dance, a beautiful melody drifting across the room as one of Seokjin's hand covered hers and the other settled upon her waist. His touch was heavy yet light, as though he wasn't there at all, but his presence was far too bearing to look past.

She barely came up to his chin, and as she tilted her head back, looking up at the most powerful man in Seoul, Nabi tried to read the look in his dark eyes, swirling, conflicting emotions.

"You could try to smile," She murmered. "At least try to look happy,"

"What is the use?" He refrained himself from scoffing. "Everyone here knows that we are not hopelessly in love with each other. But the spectacle that is our wedding makes it believable enough,"

The Moon girl fell silent, what he said was the truth and for some reason, it pained her to think of it in such way.

There were so many young women in the world who dreamed of their wedding day to be a day of celebration, an achievement of a lifetime with their soulmate, the one that they loved and couldn't wait to spend the rest of their lives with.

And then there were the women in the mafia circles, most of whom were pushed and forced to marry men they barely knew, men often their seniors by quite a few years. Nabi knew she was so much luckier than many.

"I must warn you," Seokjin's clear drawl interrupted her thoughts as she once again stared into his lifeless eyes. "The Seoul Family have a tradition meant for the newly married couples. Of course, the women are more interested in it. You may have heard of it, do the 'bloody sheets' mean anything to you?"

Nabi shook her head, her black locks shaking slightly, the tiara on her head not moving an inch as her brows pinched together, a frown settling on her lips as she kept silent, allowing her husband to continue.

"It is expected," He said quietly, eyes flitting around the room, most peoples' gaze upon us. "That we consummate our marriage tonight, and as you well know, women within our circles are expected to remain virgins until they are wed,"

A small jolt of realisation shot through her, horror, shock and so much more as she began to understand why this Seoul ritual was known as the 'bloody sheets'. 

"They expect me to bleed," She whispered, not quite looking at him, a small flush working up her neck. "To prove that I was a virgin, they expect me to bleed and they will show the sheets for all to see,"

A single nod from the Capo of Seoul confirmed her statement, and if it was not for the fact that so many eyes were watching their every move, Nabi would've ran. She already felt sick to the bone, sick at the thought of being intimate with the man who had slept with so many women, a man who could torture and kill without a feel of guilt, but to prove that she was a virgin, an 'undefiled prize' was disgusting.

"And will you?"

"Will I what?"

"Will you make me bleed to the point the women in your family will be satisfied with my worth?"

The grip Seokjin had on her waist tightened, his lips pursed at her words as the music began to fade slowly and they came to a halt. His head bent forward, lips brushing her ear, his warm breath tickling her skin, goosebumps stretching across her arms.

"Oh Nabi," His drawl was so carefree, as though he had not given the topic much thought at all, yet it was just as cold. "I will make you bleed, yes, but I give you my word that you'll be in a state of pleasure that even you couldn't dream of,"

why am i blushing?

forgive me if the last few lines aren't that cute, but it's my first time writing something that isn't fluffy

hope you're doing well

lots of love and hugs


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