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Jisoo and Jaesoo had left almost as quickly as they came, the girl in tears as she parted with her beloved older sister whilst the boy too had an expression of longing to stay just one more day with Nabi.

The twins had practically been raised by the oldest Moon girl in a time where their father had been far too busy and concerned with his status in the Busan family to play a concerned parental figure and where their mother had been drowning in the glamour and glitz of the social world, noachalent of the three children she was supposed to raise.

So naturally, Nabi had stepped in, teaching them both of the ways they were to act around others, training them both so they too could join her own rank and become Busan's elite.

The drive back to the penthouse was sombre, Seokjin glancing at his wife every few minutes as she stared at the traffic in front of them, lips closed, the colour and joy he had seen within her for the weekned gone.

"They will come back," He spoke, breaking the silence that had seemed to engulf them. "You could invite them back again in a month or two,"

"It would be lovely," She agreed. "But I fear Father wouldn't allow it, he would feel, ah - unsafe with two of his children in Seoul, particularly his only son,"

"He knows I wouldn't harm the twins, I have no reason to," The Capo's brows furrowed, his lips twitching into a frown. "The wedding was a symbol of peace between our two families,"

"I know you wouldn't hurt them," The Kim stiffened slightly as Nabi's hand rested over his over the gears, squeezing it lightly. "I trust you, but Father will never trust you or Seoul, his loyalty is with Busan. Always,"

"You trust me?"

Nabi turned her head to face her husband. Her husband, who over the last few months, hadn't hurt her, hadn't forced her to do anything or touch her in a way she didn't want to. She'd grown to trust him, so sure that he would protect her from the dangers of their world.

"Of course,"

The Capo said nothing for the rest of the drive, although, a small smile graced his lips as they approached their home.

"I must say," He drawled, unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it in the corner. "It's interesting to see how much you've grown less afraid of me since our marriage,"

Nabi swallowed as her eyes flitted towards his creamy skin, a red tint working its way up her cheeks. She had grown less afraid of the man, yet she still could not help but blush profusely at the sight of him even remotely exposed.

"I was never... I was never afraid of you," The girl bit her lip as he approached her, her back pressing into the wall before he placed his hands on them, caging her completely.

"Don't lie to my face, angel,"

"I'm not lying, I was determined to live happily, even if it was with you,"

Seokjin's expression morphed into something dark, something twisted. "Yes, I'm sure Busan didn't wast their time in telling you how much of a monster I am,"

"That bothered me, yes," Nabi's voice had lowered into more of a whisper, her eyes trained upon her husband who watched her intently, listening to her every word. "But for some strange reason, when hearing that you'd been with other women, that unsettled me the most,"

"Not fond of sharing, angel?"

Her cheeks were flushed, red with embarrassment and rage. "You're my husband!" She hissed. "Mine. I don't share you,"

"You're right," He hummed, lowering his lips to where her shoulder was slightly exposed. "I'm yours and your're mine, and I certainly won't share you with anyone,"

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