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Nabi awoke to the feeling of something heavy draped across her waist, and as she twisted her neck to see the cause, her breathing shortened seeing her husband asleep.

Even in slumber, he looked pained, tense, ready to fight as though he had no break.

Cautiously, she pushed the arm off her, sliding out from his grip. It was still relatively early in the morning, the sun just beginning to rise. 

Seokjin had stayed true to his word and hadn't touched her during the night. Apparently she had fallen asleep in her undergarments. 

Stretching her arms, Nabi stood, disappearing into the bathroom, headed for the shower. 

As the hot water loosened her muscles, her mind whirred at the thought of her new married life. They were to leave for Seoul today itself. A wave of sadness hit her as she realised she would have very little chance of seeing Jaesoo or Jisoo again. 

Stepping out, the girl pulled on a bathrobe, drifting towards the wardrobe where her fingers glided upon the rail of clothing she had before finally picking out a knee-length pale pink dress.

"Red suits you better than pink,"

The dress nearly slipped from her hands as Nabi jumped, spinning around to see Seokjin staring at her, still lying lazily in bed. He looked devastatingly handsome with his deep morning voice and ruffled black hair, not to mention the fact he still hadn't put a shirt on.

Nabi pulled herself back together. "And how would you know whether I suit red or not,"

"You wore a red dress to the New Years Eve party last year," Her husband pushed the covers forward, swinging his legs over the bed in a move to stand. "The press went mental,"

Nabi remembered the event, and he wasn't wrong about the media. It had been in the headlines for weeks with an increase in the sales of red articles of clothing. 

"I don't exactly have a red dress in here," She murmered, shifting through the racks, trying to spot something that could work.

"It's alright," Nabi shivered as she felt the warmth of his chest pressing to her back, his hot breath fanning her ear. "When we get to Seoul, I will buy you a whole wardrobe worth of red,"

His hands took hold over her shoulders, turning the Moon girl so that she faced him. His dark eyes examined her appearence. "We need to make this look believable,"

"That we consummated the marriage?" Nabi earned herself a single nod. 

"You haven't been kissed enough,"

"What do yo-"

Her words trailed off as Seokjin pressed his plump lips to hers and once again she lost all thoughts of reality as she drowned in the pleasure that he offered her. His tongue swiped her lips and she parted her mouth just slightly. His hands slid down to her waist, one remaining by her neck, tugging her hair. And Nabi was just as fierce as her fingers ran through his dark locks, pulling them, wanting more.


"What sort of sick tradition is that?" Na Mari hissed to her best friend as the women in Seokjin's family fawned over the wedding sheets, some sharing their own experiences on their wedding night, giggling, flushing.

"It's disgusting I know," Nabi muttered. "But what they're all looking at is a fake,"

Mari's eyes widened, shock written all over her face as she pulled her cousin aside so that the other's couldn't hear. "You didn't - the two of you... you didn't consummate the marriage? You're still a virgin?"

Nabi nodded as Mari's exhaled. "Did he try and force you to do it?"

"Well," Nabi hummed thoughtfully. "He was insistant about it first but when I told him I didn't want to, he just let it be. He made a small cut in his arm and stained the sheets and then we went to bed,"

Mari stared incredulously at her, surprised, unable to believe what she was hearing. "Well either way," The Na girl sighed. "Just be careful. He is the Capo of Seoul,"

Nabi's eyes flitted towards her husband who was beside his brothers and some other men that she did not know. They were to leave for Seoul in under an hour, and after that, Nabi's home would be the capital.

Seokjin's kingdom.

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