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"You seem to be getting on with Nabi just fine," Taehyung raised an eyebrow at his eldest brother, swirling his wine glass as he awaited a response.

The Kim boys were at one of the exquisite casino's that the Seoul family owned, and whilst they never betted, they did like to have a drink from time to time. And with the three of them swamped with work almost every day, it was pleasant to enjoy themselves, relax and take a break.

"Yes, the two of you seem to be doing quite well," Namjoon commented, taking a gulp of his whiskey. "And considering that you were the one so concerned with how your marriage was going to end up, I'd say it's going pretty well,"

Seokjin didn't answer at first, pre-occupied with his own glass of wine, relishing the taste before he turned to the men he trusted most in the world.

"She is beautiful," He admitted. "An intellect and in some strange way reminds me of myself,"

The youngest snorted, earning himself repulsed looks from his older brothers. "What? She's like you? A bloodthirsty, merciless, cold-hearted monster that enjoys killing? How does she remind you of yourself?"

"I don't mean that," The Capo refrained himself from rolling his eyes. "She's good with words, manipulative almost, that's what's reminding me of myself. She's not afraid to take up a challenge either,"

Namjoon stared at his oldest brother a little longer. Seokjin had always been so distant, detatched from others minus those that he cared about. To see him showing such interest in his wife was... unsettling, a sight that he would have to grow used to.

"You have - ah, feelings for her?" The middle brother questioned, his dragon eyes watching as Seokjin's muscles became stiff, guarded once more.

"I have a rather unhealthy desire to fuck her," He said a little too quickly. "But feelings? Of course not,"

As the Capo drained the last of the red liquor from his glass, Namjoon and Taehyung exchanged looks, both boys skeptical, so sure that their older brother was lying.

Even though he hated it, both boys were so good at reading emotions, so good at understanding each other and they could certainly see when Seokjin was growing 'unwanted' affections for his wife.


"How was your day?"

Nabi offered a smile towards her husband as he shut the door behind him, slipping off his shoes and pulling her in for a kiss before heading towards the bedroom.

"Exhausting, I don't want to see another document on the hotels for at least another decade," He grumbled, undoing the clasp of his watch, unbuttoning his shirt so that he remained just in his slacks, his cream-coloured chest exposed for all to see.

"That bad?"

"Perhaps the disadvantages of this business is the fact that there is so much paperwork," He turned towards her. "What's for dinner?"

"Geulmi made ox bone soup," Nabi's head flitted back towards the kitchen as though to check if she were right. "I'll get everything ready, go have a shower,"

Whilst Seokjin had drunken a little, he was strong with his liquor and could hold his alcohol well enough to know what he was saying was him speaking in his sober state. "Why don't you shower with me?"

Alarm flashed upon the Moon girl's face, a hint of red creeping up her neck as she stared anywhere but at him. Seokjin couldn't help but smirk at her reaction, savouring her startled, blushing expression.

"I will... I will get the cutlery," She bit her lip before running out of the room towards the kitchen.


"I love ox bone soup," Nabi's eyes shut as she reveled in the taste of one of her favourite foods.

"You had it often?"

"Not exactly," She looked up to see that he was already staring at her, his dark eyes glancing at her lips for just a second before returning to her own. "My sister, Jisoo, used to make it when she felt like cooking. Mother didn't approve, of course, she felt that it was better if the maids would do the things like cooking and cleaning, but Jisoo ignored her and made it anyway. The best ox bone soup I ever had,"

"Your sister and your brother," The Capo paused, unsure how to word it. "Do you... do you miss them terribly?"

"Of course I do! Your brothers are your world, aren't they? The twins were mine,"

Whilst his wife went back to eating her soup, Seokjin stared at her a little more, admiring the pout of her lips, her long lashes and the curve of her nose.

"You're now my world too," He mumbled quietly.

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