The Curtailed Confrontation

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"Sometimes Allah makes you feel weak and lonely in order to remind that you will always be in need of Him and His strength. Without His assistance you can do nothing." - Anonymous


This can't be true.

Zeeshan couldn't betray her!

She stood frozen at the spot as her legs refused to even sway, her gaze fixed on the uniform hung ahead which seemed to be his father's. Her body now shaking in anger and fear.

Ya Allah what had she done?

She had decided on her own will to step into the lion's den and its no one's fault but hers. She just cannot trust a person whom she had met a few times. In all her twenty-six years of life, all she had gotten from people was betrayal, and yet here she was, imprudently making that mistake of trusting again and this might finally cost her, her life.

But what about her heart? Her heart which had never beaten at such a quick yet pleasant pace before meeting him. Her heart which had betrayed her, when her mind chided her to not trust him. Her heart which melted every time his quick yet intense gaze set on hers.

Her heart which still screamed of his innocence.

What about it?

Her train of thoughts was broken with the click of the bathroom door and she quickly left the room in a daze. She didn't stop though. On her way out, she had already decided that she had to confront him and right now. With hurried steps and an angry frown on her face, she entered the room without knocking, resulting in the brother-sister duo looking at her in alarm due to the force the door was opened with.

As she came to stop in front of Zeeshan, with her arms crossed across her chest, her nose flaring in anger and her eyes blinking at a quick pace in order to stop the liquid that was hurting her eyes, contemplating the possible betrayal, the one person whom she had trusted with all her heart, might have given.

Ya Rabbi, please help me. I am in need of strength and only you can provide me with it.

Zeeshan frowned upon witnessing her demeanor and before he could voice his thoughts, Mehreen spoke from beside her, "Nargis, what happened?"

Instead of choosing to answer, Nargis kept her eyes fixed on his', reading, perceiving, or at least trying to find that guilt of lying to her, but there was none.

"Nargis.." Zeeshan uttered, scared of something ugly coming his way.

"Do you have anything to tell me? Something which might have slipped your mind?" Nargis spoke with gritted teeth after a minute of contemplation, trying to keep her anger at bay, which she was highly good at. But why was it so difficult right now? She never had any difficulty in keeping her fury at bay, so why not now? Maybe because she didn't want to see him in the wrong light as he had helped her so much, or maybe just maybe, due to the mere fact that it was him and each and every fiber of her body hated the idea of him being the bad one.

She wanted to give him at least one chance to right the wrong. One last chance to explain himself, without her pointing it out. And so she waited with bated breath to hear him speak. Something, anything.. But when nothing came and he kept looking at her with confused eyes her heart sank to the bottom like a rock in a sea.

Zeeshan couldn't understand a thing she was saying. He was already preoccupied with so much of everything that had happened, with his sister and his parents, that he didn't have the ability to even get a hint of whatever Nargis was trying to say or accuse him of. That much he had guessed. But whatever it was, Zeeshan wasn't ready to deal with it just yet.

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