Part 11

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Nova's POV

"Lucas, Can I go explore more while you two do this? There isn't much I can do to help." I say. Lucas pauses and looks at me for a moment. He sighs, "'Stay on the island. And don't do anything stupid." Lucas tells me. "Thank you!!!" I tell him as I jump off the couch and run outside. I shut the door behind me. I run up to the castle, as I turn a corner I just barely stop myself from running into Brandon.

"Oh, Sorry sir." I tell him as I take a few steps back. I hear him sigh. "What are you doing?" He asks me. "...Lucas let me go explore. I-i was running around. I-i'm s-sorry." I tell him, my voice wavering against my will, showing my fear of the much bigger man. "... Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. Just be more careful. You wouldn't want to crash into anyone and get hurt." Brandon tells me. I nod my head and keep looking down.

"Have you gotten the tour yet?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Come along then." Brandon tells me as he turns and motions for me to follow him. I slowly follow behind him. We walk up some stairs and into a big room. "Down this hall is the kitchen. Here, is the food hall. Feel free to eat anything you want to. There is almost always food on the table. If not here, the kitchen is always stocked." Brandon tells me.

My mouth waters at the sight of all the food. "Your too young to worry about when your next meal will be. So eat whenever you're hungry. If you're ever in any trouble come to anyone in this guild. We are a family after all." Brandon tells me. "Follow me to the mission request boards." Brandon says as he starts walking. I grab a handful of grapes and quickly follow after him.

We go up a bunch of stairs into a room. "This is the F rank board. This is the D rank board. This is the C rank board. This is the B rank board. This is the A rank board, the board you will get missions from. This is the S rank board. And SS ranks get missions directly from me and Ritchie." Brandon tells me. "When can I go on a mission?" I ask. "Whenever you would like. But i would recommend having someone go with you." Brandon tells me.

"Is there a specific requirement for the person that has to go with me?" I ask him. "As long as they are the same rank or higher than you. And if they have been in the guild longer than you." Brandon tells me. "...Can I take a mission now and find someone to go with me later?" I ask him. "Yes, you can." Brandon tells me. "...Oh! Can you go with me!? Not to help me, but to see if i am doing it correctly." I ask. "I will think about it. Get a book." Brandon tells me. I smile and grab a book from the board.

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